Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP joint fund

Within GMP, close to 3,000 affiliated companies have entrusted us with the occupational pension provision of their employees, that is 30,000 insured employees or pensioners. The foundation receives more than CHF 200 million in annual contributions, and its balance sheet total is close to CHF 3 billion.

Coverage ratio as at 31.12.2024

Coverage ratio as at 31.12.2024

Investment performance as at 31.12.2024

Investment performance as at 31.12.2024

Return on assets for 2024

Return on assets for 2024

Average interest over 10 years

Average interest over 10 years

Conversion rate 2025-2026 (M/W 65 years)

Conversion rate 2025-2026 (M/W 65 years)


Groupe Mutuel has been active in pension provision since 1985 and continues to innovate. On 1 January 2024, Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP was transformed into a collective foundation and became Fondation Collective Groupe Mutuel. Employers and employees affiliated to GMP at 31 December 2023 are now all part of the GMP collective foundation, which is an entity of Fondation Collective Groupe Mutuel.

Key advantages

Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP is a joint pension fund, which is:

Cautious and responsible

  • A sustainable and sound capital management policy
  • Rigorous selection of investment vehicles
  • ESG (environment, social and governance) factors applied to all investment activity
  • Regular assessments with "light green" or A ratings
  • Above-average performance

Attentive to your needs

  • Personalised management
  • A dedicated account manager
  • Stable and competent staff: occupational pension specialists with extensive experience in the field


  • Competitive and stable pricing of risk premiums and expenses
  • A healthy distribution of insured persons: a high proportion of active employees compared to retirees
  • Technical parameters in line with the economic reality: LPP/BVG 2020 periodic tables with a technical rate of 2.0%
  • Careful management of financial resources
Ownership of insured persons

Ownership of insured persons


Gains are paid out in the form of interest on insured persons' retirement assets.

No shareholder receives dividends or has an influence on decisions.


Strategic allocation of investments
Cash & money market 2%
Swiss and foreign bonds in CHF 24%
Foreign bonds in CHF 3%
Loans and mortgages in CHF 2%
Foreign currency bonds 6%
Swiss equities 13%
Foreign shares 20%
Direct real estate in Switzerland 11%
Indirect real estate 8%
Private markets 5%
Structured defensive products 4%
Microfinance 2%

Sustainable and responsible investment policy

  • Monitoring by an independent external company (annual review of securities held): no major controversies detected in 2023.
  • Main improvements noted in 2023:
    • The overall rating is “green” (A on a scale of A+ to D). GMP is better ranked than its benchmark, rated at B+.
    • The proportion of issuers rated with a positive consensus is stable at 86%, including 26% with a very positive consensus regarding their management of sustainable issues (2022: 22%).
    • Exposure to high impact investment themes (clean energy, water management, green and sustainable bonds, microfinance, green infrastructure) reached almost 10%, in line with the Foundation's target.
    • CO2 emissions continued to fall in 2023, in line with the target of reducing CO2 emissions on the equity side by 7% per year.
    • The Foundation has implemented an energy monitoring system for its buildings and planned renovations to meet its environmental goals and those of the Federal Council.
  • Partnerships:
    • Voting rights at companies' general meetings: application of the Ethos Foundation recommendations for Swiss shares
    • Commitments to foreign companies: cooperation with the ISS Engagement Pool to have an influence on the climate policy of certain companies
    • Quarterly portfolio monitoring: partnership with the company Canopia to monitor GMP's ESG criteria
    • Real estate: partnership with the company Signaterre to take into account the quality of the buildings held by GMP and to plan the necessary energy renovations

True to our values


  • A wide range of pension plans
  • Adapted payment terms without additional costs
  • No interest on arrears within the agreed timeframe
  • A choice of salary reporting methods without additional costs


  • No hidden or separately charged fees
  • No fees for managing pension beneficiaries or pension activities
  • No termination fees at the end of the contract
  • A comprehensive annual management report
  • A summary of key figures for the year
  • A detailed presentation of the investment performance upon request


  • Takes into account current lifestyles
  • Benefits in the event of death extended to common-law partners, also after retirement age
  • Designation of beneficiaries and distribution of lump-sum capital upon death
  • Separate management of purchases with repayment in the event of death

Request a pension offer

Contact us
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111