I am a cross-border worker

What insurance do I need?

Anyone who has a permit to work in Switzerland for more than three months must take out compulsory health insurance (KVG/LAMal) in Switzerland. This applies from the first day of work.
If you live in France, Germany, Italy, or Austria, you can choose to be insured in Switzerland or your country of residence.

Compulsory health insurance (KVG/LAMal) for cross-border commuters

Advantages of health insurance (KVG/LAMal) for cross-border commuters:

  • Flat-fee premiums that do not depend on your income. If you take out insurance in your country of residence, this may not be the case.

    For example, you live in France, are single and earn more than CHF 60,000 per year. It is then cheaper to be insured under the KVG/LAMal. This is because French health insurance premiums are linked to the net taxable income of your household.
  • When you choose Swiss health insurance (KVG/LAMal), you can decide whether you want to be treated in Switzerland or in your country of residence. In both cases, the legal provisions of the country in which the treatment takes place apply to the reimbursement of costs.

    French health insurance, for example, does not permit treatment in Switzerland. Exceptions to this are emergencies or if you have special French supplemental insurance

Insurance for cross-border commuters

Cross-border commuters resident in the EU/EFTA/UK who take out Swiss basic insurance are obliged to choose the minimum deductible and the standard model. This model allows for free choice of doctor and specialist appointments.

As a cross-border commuter, you cannot take out individual supplemental insurance with an insurance provider in Switzerland. This is because your place of residence is outside Switzerland.

Basic health insurance, traditional model for cross-border workers

  • Coverage of benefits in case of illness/accident under LAMal/KVG
  • Free choice of doctor
  • Deductible:
    CHF 300 for adults
    CHF 0 for children

France, Germany, Italy, and Austria: Your option right

If you live in Germany, France, Italy, or Austria, you can choose to be insured in Switzerland or your country of residence. This is known as your option right.

Do you not want to take out insurance in Switzerland? In this case, you must submit an application for exemption from compulsory insurance to the health insurance office in the canton where you work within three months. Otherwise, at the end of this period, you will be automatically enrolled in Switzerland’s compulsory health insurance scheme.
The option right is final. Once you have opted for insurance in Switzerland (KVG/LAMal) or your country of residence, you can no longer reverse this decision.


  • You return to work in Switzerland after a period of unemployment in your country.
  • You are no longer a cross-border commuter and draw a Swiss pension.
  • You change your country of residence.

In these cases, you can exercise your option right again. The procedure is then the same as for new cross-border commuters.

Cross-border commuters from a country outside the EU/EFTA

Cross-border commuters from a country outside the EU/EFTA and their non-working family members are subject to Swiss insurance upon their own application.

The application must be submitted within three months of the start of the validity of the G residence permit. If this deadline is not met, the insurance coverage begins at the time of joining.

The insurance cover ends with the end of the work activity in Switzerland, the expiry or revocation of the G residence permit, the death of the policyholder or if they forgo coverage by Swiss health insurance.

Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about our basic insurance models?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

More information

Family members

All of your family members must be insured with the same health insurer as yourself.

Exceptions: if your spouse works in your residence country, he/she will also be required to take out insurance there. Persons in your household who do not work, such as your children, will then be covered by your spouse's health insurance.

Accident coverage

As a worker in Switzerland, you are insured for accidents by your employer. Therefore, you do not need to add the accident risk to your health insurance contract.
Attention: persons who do not work have to take out accident insurance with their health insurer. Remember this when signing up to the insurance!

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111