Protect my household contents and my home

Destruction, damage or theft of household assets

How much is your furniture worth? Could you afford to replace it if a fire, flood or storm destroyed it? Would you be able to buy a computer or a television if it was stolen by burglars? By insuring the items that make up your household contents, you can prevent the worse from happening and enjoy your home with complete peace of mind.

Feel safe at all times

HomeProtect household contents insurance protects you against the financial consequences of fire, natural events, theft and water damage to your belongings and furniture. Your home is protected and your belongings are safe.

To ensure that your entire home is safe, you can also protect yourself against Internet-related risks with CyberProtect, the insurance against digital risks.

Differentiate between household contents and personal liability insurance

Household contents insurance does not cover you for the damage or injury that you or your children may cause to others. In this case, you will need SelfProtect personal liability insurance. Find out about this product or ask us for advice.


Coverage of your home contents or of those belonging to persons living in the same household

HomeProtect compensates you if your personal belongings have been damaged by one of the following events:

  • fire, smoke, lightning, explosions
  • natural damages
  • burglary, simple theft in the home, robbery
  • water damage

Request advice

Do you have any questions about HomeProtect insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111