I am single or in a couple

What insurance do I need?

Do you live alone or in a couple? Are you young or older? Do you have children or not? Do you build your life step by step or very quickly? No matter what your rhythm of life or lifestyle, your path is an individual one. 

The ideal coverage: the one that suits you best

There is no such thing as universal health coverage. The optimal coverage for you is the one that suits your personal situation best: age, family, income, lifestyle, expectations, etc.

Compose your own coverage

  1. Begin by determining your situation and needs.
  2. Browse through our range of health coverage (basic and supplemental insurance) and life insurance schemes.
  3. Choose the ones that suit you best.

Our recommendations

To protect yourself fully against life’s misfortunes and enjoy the best benefits possible, we recommend you take out the following insurance:

  • basic (compulsory) health insurance
  • supplemental insurance for broader coverage
  • life insurance.

Discover our recommended solutions for single people or people in a couple in the fields of health insurance and life insurance.

Basic health insurance

Standard model

Standard model

There are no restrictions. You are free to choose your doctor and can consult a specialist directly.

  • Your first point of contact: You choose your first point of contact with no restrictions.
Discover the standard model
Alternative model – Flexible

Alternative model – Flexible

- PrimaFlex -

You remain flexible and choose your first point of contact as needed if a health issue arises. PrimaFlex offers exclusive preventive services and some benefits without a deductible.

  • Your first point of contact: You choose the first point of contact that works best for you: Partner pharmacy, telemedicine, or your family doctor.
  • Save up to 24% on your premiums!
Discover PrimaFlex

Supplemental insurance



Insurance allowing you to choose your ward at the time of hospitalisation

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Supplemental insurance for travel abroad

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Insurance that covers 20 types of alternative medicine treatments administered by a doctor

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Life insurance

Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about our basic insurance models?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111