Our company

As the leading health insurance provider in French-speaking Switzerland, Groupe Mutuel is also at the forefront at national level. As a comprehensive insurer, Groupe Mutuel is also active in occupational pension benefits (LPP/BVG), life insurance and corporate insurance.

History of
Groupe Mutuel

You can find here the important dates of Groupe Mutuel.

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Our mission and
Code of conduct

Our values are based on our mission and Code of Conduct.

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The Board, Executive Board and Organisational Chart can be found here.

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Jobs and

Groupe Mutuel offers great career opportunities: check out our job offers.

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Your data is important and we treat them with the utmost care.

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All of the activity reports of our different companies are available.

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The structure and functioning of Groupe Mutuel are based on legal principles.

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Groupe Mutuel today

Groupe Mutuel is a comprehensive insurer that is able to meet both individual and corporate needs.

Comprehensive insurer
Close to 1.3 million insured persons are affiliated to the member health insurance companies of Groupe Mutuel, for compulsory health insurance (AOS/OKP) or supplemental insurance. Approximately 28,000 companies rely on Groupe Mutuel for their insurance. Groupe Mutuel's insurers offer a full range of health, legal protection and personal liability insurance benefits.

Groupe Mutuel also offers retirement savings solutions and Groupe Mutuel Vie GMV SA is active in the life insurance sector.

A national presence
Groupe Mutuel pursues its activities in 6 service centres: Martigny (headquarters), Sion (VS), Lausanne, Epalinges (VD), Villars-sur-Glâne (FR) and Oerlikon (ZH). This decentralised presence is complemented by 38 regional and local branches, located throughout the country.

The company employs some 2,800 employees to satisfy its customers. Each year, Groupe Mutuel also welcomes around 30 apprentices and a number of professional baccalaureate students and interns.

The commitment of each employee has a single objective: the satisfaction of our policyholders.

Groupe Mutuel

In 2018, Groupe Mutuel became a holding company. The holding comprises health insurance companies, supplemental health insurers, a life insurance company and a services company, Groupe Mutuel Services SA.

For basic insurance:
Avenir Assurance Maladie SA
Philos Assurance Maladie SA
Mutuel Assurance Maladie SA
AMB Assurances SA

For supplemental insurance and life insurance:
Groupe Mutuel Assurances GMA SA
Groupe Mutuel Vie GMV SA.

Groupe Mutuel Services SA manages pension funds (Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP and Mutuelle Valaisanne de Prévoyance) and health insurance companies (Mutuelle Neuchâteloise Assurances Maladie and Caisse-maladie de la vallée d'Entremont).

The purpose of this legal form is to further clarify the group's structure and to increase transparency both internally and externally. Groupe Mutuel holding company is headed by the non-profit foundation of the same name, which is its sole owner.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111