I am a student or am entering professional life

Because you are young and full of energy, your insurance needs are different to those of other insured persons. Therefore, our health coverage offer is suited to your budget and lifestyle.

There are specific needs when it comes to studies or a new job

Are you a student or about to take your first job? Have you just left home or are you finishing your military recruit school or civilian service? Your studies or work take up a lot of time. However, you have energy to spare and are constantly on the move, whether for travel, holidays or leisure...

Our recommendations

To be well insured, we advise you to

  1. Choose one of our compulsory health insurance models (LAMal/KVG).
  2. Save on premiums by:
    - choosing an alternative model (restricted choice of doctors, medical advice by phone, etc.)
    - increasing your deductible up to CHF 2,500
  3. Check the accident coverage in your basic insurance
    - include the accident risk in your basic insurance if you don't have a job
    - check your coverage for workplace and/or private accidents if you do have a job.

    Reminder: if you work more than eight hours a week with the same employer, you are automatically covered against workplace and private accidents by your employer’s accident insurance (LAA/UVG). If you work less than eight hours a week, your employer will only insure you against workplace accidents.
  4. Top up your compulsory insurance with supplemental insurance according to your needs.
  5. Subscribe to life insurance to build up savings as soon as you receive your first salary.

Discover our recommended insurance schemes in the fields of basic health insurance, supplemental insurance and life insurance.

Our insurance plans

Discover our recommended insurance schemes in the fields of basic health insurance, supplemental insurance and life insurance



  • Basic health insurance with free choice of first point of contact and exclusive prevention benefits
  • Benefits not included in the deductible (e.g. generic drugs)
  • Premium discount up to 20%
More details


  • Health and accident coverage for travel abroad of up to CHF 100,000. 
  • Emergency transport, repatriation
  • Costs of vaccination
  • Valid worldwide
More details

Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about our different insurance solutions?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111