Legal and material security

Legal protection, personal liability, household contents, digital security

You need to feel secure on a daily basis. Legal protection, personal liability, household contents and protection against the risks associated with the Internet: our insurance solutions Legis, HomeProtect and CyberProtect aim to protect and assist you.  Find out more about our solutions and their innovative benefits. With peace of mind.

Legal protection

Legal insurance for medical, mobility and private protection

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Personal liability and household contents
SelfProtect & HomeProtect

Coverage of damage caused to third parties or to personal belongings included in the household contents invent

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Cyber risks

Coverage of risks and disputes associated with the use of the Internet and digital technology, with assistance by phone

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Do you want to know how to protect your rights and assets?

Take a look at the booklet prepared by our specialists in legal, physical and digital security

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111