Your advantages with Groupe Mutuel

Discounts, exclusive benefits, and customer loyalty offers

Groupe Mutuel is your partner for health and prevention. That’s why you can expect more from us than just insurance coverage: we are at your side at every stage of your life. Discover all the benefits and services that can make your life easier and help you save money.

Family discounts and an innovative insurance model

Discounts for your family

Discounts for your family

You are shaping the world of tomorrow. We are doing everything we can to support that: with a premium discount for families with three or more children. We do everything we can to keep premiums low for children.

  • If you have three or more children with basic insurance coverage with Groupe Mutuel, you will benefit from a 25% discount on the monthly basic insurance premium for all of your children.
  • Family discount for the Global Classic, Premium and Optimum supplemental insurance models if one parent is also insured under this model.
  • Free dental insurance for children for three years if the insurance is taken out before birth.
  • Free insurance for treatment abroad for children for three years if the insurance is taken out before birth.
All family discounts
A low-cost and innovative basic insurance model

A low-cost and innovative basic insurance model

PrimaFlex is an alternative basic insurance model. The focus is on prevention, an attractive premium discount, and benefits with no deductible.

  • Up to 24% premium savings (compared to the standard model)
  • Freedom to choose your first point of contact: telemedicine, pharmacy, or your family doctor
  • Benefits without the deductible: generic drugs, pharmacy flat rate (if at least one generic drug is listed on the invoice), breast MRI, mammograms, breast ultrasounds.
Discover PrimaFlex

Free premium during the first three months for some supplemental insurance products

If you take out one of the following insurance products, you will not have to pay any premium for the first three months. To take advantage of this discount, ask your adviser or our Customer Services for an insurance offer and sign your contract before 30 September 2024. Offers cannot be combined.

  • H-Capital: financial support for unforeseen expenses following hospitalisation.
  • Acrobat: accident insurance for children up to the age of 18, covering hospitalisation, transport costs and remedial schooling, as well as cosmetic surgery and home help and care.
  • Activita: insurance to cover recovery costs in the event of an accident.
  • Provista: insurance of a lump sum in the event of disability or death due to an accident.
  • CyberProtect: insurance for Internet-related risks and disputes.

Make your life easier with the Customer Area

From the Groupe Mutuel application or via the online portal, manage your health insurance easily, whenever and wherever you want.

  • Scan and send your invoices instantly
  • View your documents and reimbursements
  • Modify your contracts and personal details

The customer area can make your life easier. Scan and send your invoices, track the status of your refunds, and change your contracts and personal information - all from your mobile device or laptop.
You can also access exclusive apps:

  • Ada "symptom checker": designed by doctors, Ada technology follows a medical method to help you better understand your symptoms and decide on the next steps. It's like having 60 doctors in your pocket!
  • Compassana: whether you're suffering from medical problems or simply want to organise your health better, Compassana is the perfect tool to help you manage your healthcare.
  • Pregnancy+: free access to the Premium version of Pregnancy+, the most popular pregnancy application in Switzerland. The Premium package gives you access to video courses, interactive tools and more information on pregnancy and childbirth

Even more benefits exclusively for Groupe Mutuel policyholders

Referral program

Recommend Groupe Mutuel to family and friends! It’s worth it: For every new customer acquired through your referral, you will receive Migros gift vouchers worth up to CHF 200.

Find out more

Privilege programme

Thanks to LeClub offers, you can enjoy attractive discounts in a number of areas: health, sports, well-being, tourism, families and entertainment.

Discover the offers
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111