You are self-employed

What do you need to consider?

It’s important to think about your needs in terms of both insurance and pension provision, and Groupe Mutuel can help!

As a self-employed person or entrepreneur, you are no longer automatically covered by compulsory accident insurance. This status also implies changes to your pension and social insurance arrangements. Therefore, it’s important to get advice and support on how to fill these gaps and ensure you are properly insured.

Why is Groupe Mutuel best placed to insure me as a self-employed person?

The strength and difference of Groupe Mutuel lies in its ability to offer comprehensive personal insurance and pension provision for private individuals and self-employed persons, as well as for companies and their employees. Therefore, if you choose us as your insurance provider, you can be sure that you will be properly insured, whatever happens.

“Groupe Mutuel provides insurance to close to 30,000 companies, which place their trust in us on a daily basis.“

How can you continue to receive an income if you get sick?

Read more

If you have an accident, how do you deal with the financial consequences?

Read more

Did you know that Groupe Mutuel also offers pension provision?

Read more
Would you like to know more about the services offered by Groupe Mutuel?

Would you like to know more about the services offered by Groupe Mutuel?

Download the brochure that explains the solutions we offer to self-employed workers.

How can I receive an offer for insurance cover as a self-employed person?

How can I receive an offer for insurance cover as a self-employed person?

Contact one of our advisers for a customised offer.

Contact us

“Taking out insurance protects you financially while ensuring the long-term future of your business.”

Request advice

Do you have questions that are specific to your activity as a self-employed person or entrepreneur, or that are in connection with a business project?
Our advisers can help you find the best solution for your needs.

Frequently asked questions

Your overall situation remains unchanged, but you must:

  • Inform your loss of income insurer directly about your incapacity for work (it is no longer your employer’s responsibility).
  • Inform the insurer of any change in your personal circumstances (unemployment, new employer, disability, change of address, of income, etc.).

You must notify us immediately of your departure from the company (within 90 days of leaving the circle of insured persons) and specify that you wish to be offered a free transfer to individual insurance. If you accept this offer, you will continue to enjoy insurance coverage under the same conditions as when you were employed by the company. You will be responsible for paying the premium associated with the policy.

Pursuant to Swiss Federal Law (Article 5b LFLP/FZG), the insured person may demand payment in cash of their termination benefits when they become self-employed, and when they are therefore no longer obliged to be insured through the LPP/BVG scheme.

The person must:
- supply to their pension institution the documentary evidence of them starting self-employment (renting of premises, purchase of equipment, certificate from the AVS (old-age and survivors pension insurance scheme), registration in the trade register, etc.)
- request the payout of their benefits during the year following the start of their self-employed activity as their main activity

The following document(s) should be enclosed with your request, depending on your civil status:

  • if you are single, a recent civil status certificate
  • if you are divorced, a recent civil status certificate and a copy of the divorce judgment
  • if you are married, the officially legalised signature of your spouse (municipality, notary, Groupe Mutuel branch)
See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111