Insuring domestic staff against accidents

Do you employ a domestic worker, a babysitter or a gardener? Under the law, you are his/her employer. You must insure the worker against accidents in accordance with the Federal Law on Accident Insurance (LAA/UVG). The type of coverage depends on the number of hours the person works for you each week and on the annual salary.
Beyond the threshold amount provided for by the Federal Law on Occupational Benefits (LPP/BVG), you must also take out occupational benefits insurance (2nd pillar) for the worker.


How many hours per week is your domestic worker employed in your home?

  • For fewer than eight hours per week for an annual salary of less than CHF 10,000, you are required to ensure him/her against workplace accidents only.
  • For more than eight hours per week: you are required to cover him/her against workplace and non-workplace accidents.

Useful to know

You can also find out more about the accident insurance we provide to domestic workers, and request an offer.

Accident insurance for domestic workers

  • Insurance cover against workplace and nonworkplace accidents
  • Reimbursement of healthcare and medical costs
  • Daily subsistence allowance of 80% of the loss of earnings, applicable from the third day following the accident
  • Disability and survivor’s pension
  • Impairment compensation and care allowance

Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about the insurance for domestic staff?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111