Customised plan

Occupational benefits tailored to your needs

Do you wish to offer your employees a better pension plan than required by law? We offer solutions adapted to your needs. For example, these solutions can involve removing the ceiling on the maximum salary and provide for higher savings rates. Find out more about the various options and ask us for advice.


  • You choose an occupational pension plan based on your staff policy and your financial resources.
  • If necessary, you adjust it even more precisely to your needs.
  • This enhances the savings, disability and death coverage for your employees.
  • You can offer up to three levels of savings per group of insured persons
Main benefits

Maximum insured salary

  • Maximum salary
  • Removal of ceiling of maximum salary (maximum annual LPP/BVG salary x 10)

Retirement benefits

  • Savings
  • Increase in savings rates
  • Early or deferred retirement
  • Possibility to retire from 58 to 70 years of age

    Possibility of phased partial retirement, with old-age benefits decreasing in proportion to the reduction in activity rate

Disability benefits

  • Level of benefits
  • Disability pensions and disabled person's child’s pension:
    percentage of insured salary
  • Age limit of the child’s pension
  • The child’s pension is extended up to age 20, or age 25 if the child is still in training

Death benefits

  • Level of benefits
  • Spouse’s and orphan's pensions:
    percentage of insured salary

    Doubled pension for a child who has lost both parents
  • Age limit of the orphan’s pension
  • The orphan’s pension is extended up to age 20
  • Additional lump-sum death benefit
  • The lump-sum death benefit as a percentage of the salary
  • Security: you enhance the occupational pension coverage for your employees.
  • Attractiveness: you position your company as an attractive employer with generous social benefits. You recruit and retain the best employees.

Request a personalised offer online

  • Use the corporate online offers system to send us your information, without any obligation on your part. Once assessed, we will be able to send you a personalised offer.

  • Request an offer online
Request advice
  • By phone

  • 0848 803 777
    08.00 – 12.00
    13.30 – 17.00
    On the Swiss landline network: national rate / On the Swiss mobile network: according to your mobile network operator

  • Meet an adviser

  • Form to request a contact

Frequently asked questions

Anyone receiving, from the same employer, an annual salary greater than the access threshold must be insured through the LPP/BVG. Insurance covering the risks of death and disability starts on 1 January following your 17th birthday. Savings for retirement start on 1 January following your 24th birthday.

The limit amounts applicable to the minimum cover through the LPP/BVG scheme are available in the key figures on pension cover.

The employer has to pay a contribution at least equal to the contribution of its employee. Generally, the insured party pays 50% of the premium and the employer pays the other 50%.

You are probably not yet 25. So far, you have only been insured for the risk of death and disability. Your contributions to your retirement assets will start on 1 January following your 24th birthday.

See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111