What should I add to my pregnancy “to-do list”?
17 August 2022 | Comment(s) |
Celine Relecom

Pregnancy is a time of major upheaval for parents-to-be. In the midst of this emotional turmoil, it's important to think about the paperwork involved with the arrival of your baby. But don’t panic, we’ll guide you through a few points!
Choosing your baby's pushchair is fun! However, it’s just as important to worry about the administrative aspects of adding a new member to the family. We often imagine that there’s a mountain of things to do, but in reality there are not that many things to remember. What's more, planning ahead can not only make your life easier, but also save you time, money and a lot of worry.
Legal formalities before the birth
As new parents, you will need to register your child with the Civil Registry Office of your canton of residence. Although this is usually done by the nursing staff at the hospital where your baby is born, in some cases, it’s a good idea to make arrangements before birth. This is particularly the case for unmarried couples:

- Acknowledgement of paternity: for married couples, the husband is automatically presumed to be the child's legal father. However, in the case of unmarried couples, fathers must apply to the Civil Registry Office for recognition of paternity. This can be done before the birth.
- Parental authority: a child born to an unmarried couple is immediately subject to the exclusive parental authority of his or her mother, unless the parents have requested joint authority from the Civil Registry Office. The same applies to custody of the child. Taking the time to put all these details in writing can avoid many complications later on, such as in the event of a separation.
Bear in mind that the choices made early on, particularly with regard to childcare, will have repercussions not only in the short and medium term, such as in the case of a reduction in working hours for one or both parents, or an impact on the budget and tax, but also in the long term, such as on the occupational pension benefits of the parent who has changed his or her working hours. Groupe Mutuel has thought of solutions to fill these gaps, such as VariaInvest, a savings-type insurance designed for all types of profiles and that adapts to the personal and professional development of those persons insured.
Prenatal insurance and its benefits
With prenatal insurance, your baby is automatically insured from birth. This can be very useful if health problems arise in the first few days of your child's life. What's more, you won't be asked to complete any health questionnaire, which means that you will not be refused any supplemental insurance coverage.
Once you've chosen the basic insurance model, don't forget to include accident coverage, and top it up if necessary with one or more additional benefits. Some supplemental insurances are free for the first three years of your child's life, such as Mundo, insurance in the event of illness or accident abroad, or Dentaire plus insurance.

Securing your children’s future
It may not be the first thing on your mind when you're pregnant, but planning for the longer term has its benefits. You can never worry too much about your child, especially when it comes to its future. Groupe Mutuel has designed savings products for your little ones. Whether with First Invest life insurance or Global vie start, you can provide your children with financial protection and build up savings for their future financial needs.
Have you thought about your own needs?
Becoming a parent brings a whole host of physical, emotional and identity-related upheavals. Everyone has to find their place in this new family configuration. There's no right or wrong way to go about it, only a way that's unique to you.
But in this flood of changes, it's easy to forget your own needs. Groupe Mutuel has also thought of parents, and offers several supplemental insurance options that will allow you to take care of yourself: from alternative medicine to psychotherapy sessions if you feel the need to confide in someone, as well as childcare for sick children and access to additional pregnancy checks: a host of solutions that will allow you to find your balance and your new identity as a parent in this emotional whirlwind that is the arrival of a baby.