Anid Music’ victory over leukaemia
11 June 2024 | Comment(s) |
Matthias Vauthier

Anid Music’s life journey is a lesson in resilience and determination. Diagnosed with leukaemia at only 16 years old, his life took an unexpected turn. However, instead of giving up hope, Anid chose to fight and to find his own way. Although he gave up his dreams of becoming a professional footballer, it was spending time with his family, sharing moments with friends and working as an account manager for Groupe Mutuel’s Corporate department that helped put a smile back on his face.

From the very beginning of his illness, Anid showed impressive strength of character. Despite the side effects of chemotherapy and the pain caused by the illness, he remained extremely positive, refusing to let cancer take over his life. The unconditional support of his family was a great source of energy. “My mother took a back seat to support me. She was by my side at home and in hospital. Psychologically, she suffered as much as I did, but she always had the strength to be there for me”, recalls Anid. “My father also gave me a lot of support, in particular by travelling daily between the canton of Valais and the cantonal hospital (CHUV) in Lausanne to see me and bring me meals cooked by my family and friends. For a period of three months, Anid was isolated in his hospital room, unable to leave due to his extremely low white blood cell count.
A second and then a third twist of fate

Just when he thought he was finally out of his ordeal, Anid received some bad news from his doctors. Although chemotherapy had helped him to beat the leukaemia, side effects had set in. “I lost 20 kg because the cancer treatment had affected my mouth, preventing me from eating”. He was then fed through a tube, but there was more bad news. “Because of the very intense and strong chemotherapy, the bones in my hips were eroded. I now have two prostheses. But I've chosen to see them as a positive thing, because these devices support me in my active life and help me to get around”.
The support of the medical staff and health professionals played a crucial role in Anid’s recovery. Their expertise and compassion gave him the hope and confidence to face his illness with courage. “I'm convinced that the way they looked after me, explaining every stage of treatment and supporting me through the physical and emotional challenges, was essential to my recovery,” explained the 22-year-old, who is grateful to all the staff at the CHUV. “At times like these, you have to focus, stay positive despite the difficulties and put all your energy into the fight. Trusting others and letting go are part of the process. Great things are achieved not through strength, but through perseverance!”
Returning to a normal life
Today, Anid is a happy young man who has been able to get on with his life. He overcame leukaemia and the challenges that go with it. Despite the setbacks in his training, he obtained his vocational training certificate (CFC) with Groupe Mutuel, before taking the opportunity of a temporary job and then moving on to a permanent position. “I proved myself and received support from the company, particularly from the team that manages apprenticeships, right up to this permanent contract as an account manager”. Since then, he has thrived both at work and in his private life. “Despite my disability, I'm still a keen sportsman and I've taken up exercise. Otherwise, I like to go out with my friends or discover new landscapes by travelling”.

“It’s not easy to tell my story, but I'm comfortable doing it because it's certainly a lot less painful than what I’ve been through and recovered from”, said Anid. “My case is not unique, and I hope I can inspire other young people to never give up hope, no matter what”.
Making the most of every situation

Today, Anid has recovered from a period that will stay with him for the rest of his life and has decided to turn it into a strength. “I've gained in maturity and my love of life is hard to beat. Every moment is unique and you have to make the most of every situation. We all have the opportunity to love what we do, who we are and those around us. Life is fragile, and that's what makes it so precious.”
Anid Music was 16 years old and in training when he was diagnosed with leukaemia. During his treatment, he was monitored by Orif, an organisation whose aim is to observe, train and integrate people with health problems or difficulties into society and the workplace. Groupe Mutuel works with this organisation and Anid was able to complete an apprenticeship (CFC in business administration) while battling bone marrow cancer. Since then, he has landed his first job and continues to build his career within Groupe Mutuel.