Groupe de réflexion

Thoughtful and balanced improvement proposals

The challenges facing the Swiss health system are growing and becoming increasingly complex. In particular, costs trends are putting a strain on the health system. Proposals for improvement must be carefully considered, balanced and likely to obtain a majority.

Comparable to the well-proven Swiss militia system, Groupe Mutuel set up the Groupe de réflexion in 1998.  In this Think Tank politicians from different parties meet with Groupe Mutuel representatives to find ways of improving the Swiss health system, while maintaining a liberal and market-economy approach.

The Groupe de réflexion is independent and autonomous. Membership is not tied to any obligation.

The Groupe generally meets four times a year and organises other one-off meetings and events.
The voluntary financial compensation of members is max. CHF 4,000 per year depending on the number of meetings and the investment of members who would not otherwise be remunerated in another position at Groupe Mutuel. The amount of this representation allowance is disclosed publicly and monitored regularly.

The Groupe de réflexion is made up of the following members: Roland Marcel Eberle, President, former member of the Council of States, Vice-President of the administrative board of Groupe Mutuel; Martin Bäumle, member of the National Council (GLP/ZH); Vroni Thalmann-Bieri, member of the National Council (SVP/LU); Marco Chiesa, member of the Council of States (SVP/TI); Brigitte Häberli-Koller, member of the Council of States (The Centre/TG); Leo Müller, member of the National Council (The Centre/LU); Eric Nussbaumer, member of National Council (SP/BL); Thomas Rechsteiner, member of the National Council (The Centre/AI); Flavia Wasserfallen, member of the Council of States (SP/BE); Sarah Wyss, member of the National Council (SP/BS); Kris Vietze, member of the National Council (FDP/TG); Fabio Regazzi, member of the Council of States (The Centre / TI).

Charter of the Groupe de réflexion

The general principles of the Groupe de réflexion are set out in a charter.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111