What are Leadership-Kit tools?
21 February 2024 | Comment(s) |
Dr.Carole Nielsen

In 2023, the foundation for promoting health in Switzerland, “Promotion Santé Suisse”, launched its leadership-kit on behalf of the Swiss Federal Council. Leadership-Kit tools are free and available to everyone. Although mainly intended for managers, they can also be used by teams themselves, whether to improve the working atmosphere or to work on shared projects.
The point of view of our CorporateCare specialists

As well as being free, the 26 documents available are also relevant, fun, creative and easy to use.
Based on five key areas (commitment, team relations, objectives, meaning, positive emotions), the leadership test offers the opportunity to assess your strengths and potential for improvement as a team leader. The results are displayed immediately and offer a practical and easy-to-use tool for each sub-theme. You will find exercises to use in team meetings, advice on how to deal with conflict and the latest ideas for handling annual performance reviews.
Teams will not be left out, as there are plenty of exercises to help them define their values, forge closer links, value each other and highlight the group's achievements.
Here are some of our top picks:
For managers:
- Involving the members of your team in decisions is the sign of great managerial skills. Changes are on their way... Are you ready to ask for employee feedback? Use the tool “Each voice counts".
- Did you know that one of the most important human needs is the need for appreciation and esteem? This is also true at work. Employees who feel valued tend to be more committed and fulfilled in their work. Review your employees’ qualities with the exercise “Estimate their worth" and let them know how happy you are with them on a regular basis.
- In the same way, it's important for managers to provide regular feedback to their team members. Have you noticed any behaviours that need improving and don't know how to tackle them with empathy? Prepare the discussion using the tool “Perception-effect-wish model". This will help your employees become aware of certain points and help them to improve.
- Annual performance reviews are an integral part of a manager’s job. Would you like to add some fun and creativity? Use the tools “STAR Potentiel", “It's a match!"or “Say goodbye to stress". Your employees will be asked to list their own contributions to the team's success, state their expectations regarding the tasks they would like to carry out in the future, as well as the support that would be useful to them in their work. All this contributes to increasing self-esteem and emotional security.

For teams:
Do you meet regularly with your team and want to make these sessions more dynamic? Suggest different tools and see what they prefer. Our recommendations for strengthening bonds and developing everyone's creativity:
- The "Team Tree": think together about the main individual and common strengths and the benefits these could bring. Draw the tree on a flipchart and display it in your office, so that you can keep it in mind.
- The card game "Let's talk": used at the start of the meeting, it helps to break the ice and puts the well-being of your employees on the same level as the formal items on the agenda. You can also leave the cards in common areas and see if your team makes use of them spontaneously.
- The Framework for small achievements: make a regular note, for example at the end of a team meeting, of the small achievements and progress made by each person in various projects. This provides a form of self-appreciation and will have a beneficial effect on the commitment and motivation of your teams. If necessary, provide a space to share frustrations, so that those who need to vent can do so. End the exercise on a positive note.
- The Applause cards: encourage your staff to regularly acknowledge themselves (and you) with recognition cards. If you feel like it, ask them to do so at the end of the session, otherwise leave room for spontaneity in the weeks following the distribution of the cards. You could also use a digital board if your team is more comfortable with this format.
Are you interested in finding out more about these exercises? Take a look at the website of Promotion Santé Suisse.
Before using the tools, make sure you are comfortable with them and are prepared for different types of reaction. If you feel the need, don't hesitate to ask a Corporate Health Management specialist for assistance.
BONUS: did you know that Promotion Santé Suisse has also taken into account the needs of Human Resources? Discover the HR-Toolbox.