Recruitment training to find the hidden gems
31 August 2023 | Comment(s) |
Matthias Vauthier

In an ever-changing business world, recruitment plays a crucial role for companies seeking to achieve success. Finding the right candidates, fostering a strong corporate culture and reducing staff turnover are all essential for building high-performance teams over the long term.
Hiring talent that shares a company's values and vision reinforces cohesion and fosters innovation, while a strong corporate culture stimulates employee engagement and retention. While turnover is unavoidable, proactive measures such as ongoing training, open communication and competitive benefits can help to reduce departures and increase retention.
The importance of recruitment at Groupe Mutuel
It is therefore easy to see why recruitment today is much more than a simple selection process, as it has become a powerful driving force for shaping a company's success. This is one of the reasons why Groupe Mutuel has invested in an innovative training programme in recruitment. The company's managers are able to follow a two-day recruitment training course, the first day of which provides an overview of a number of theories and good practices, while the second is a real hands-on experience.

During this immersive day, genuine jobseekers are brought in to make the exercise authentic. These people come directly from the regional employment agencies (ORP) or from Fondation IPT, through contacts made by Groupe Mutuel recruiters at student forums or are even apprentices of Groupe Mutuel who agree to take on this role.
A win-win situation
It's a win-win situation for the managers, who get to practise what they've learnt in theory, but also for the candidates, who receive genuine feedback on how they introduce themselves at an interview and how well they put their profile across. What's more, they have the opportunity to meet managers who could potentially take them on as temporary employees, or possibly hire them on a long-term basis... That's what happened to Michel Terry Mc Krory, 56, Customer Support Adviser, who was a candidate at the ORP employment agency before joining Groupe Mutuel.
Three questions to Michel Terry Mc Krory

You took part in the programme as a candidate. How did the day go?
Of course, the day was a bit stressful. However, it was the perfect opportunity to get my foot in the door at Groupe Mutuel, so I went there with the firm intention of convincing the managers in front of me. After a 30-minute interview, there was a debriefing where all the comments were taken on board. I then had a second interview where I felt even more confident, before the general debriefing. It was very interesting to compare points of view.
At the time, you were looking for work. How has your situation changed since then?
Following an application supported by the site's HR manager, whom I had met during the mock interviews, I was able to obtain an interview for a temporary position at the Contact Centre. This gave me the opportunity to demonstrate my telephone reception skills before moving on to a permanent contract.
It was a decisive meeting in your career path. So what would you recommend to potential candidates from the ORP, the Fondation IPT or students and apprentices taking part in this programme?
Even if these are mock interviews, you have to show up with the intention of getting hired and not just the desire to play a role. If the candidate is motivated, our application file will always remain on the manager's desk, which is an asset when it comes to getting an interview. Going through this recruitment training allows you to practice going through an interview, and develop your confidence in the exercise. If you're motivated to get a job with Groupe Mutuel, that impression will stay with managers and the Human Resources department.