Cover my maternity costs

Are you expecting your first child or expanding your family?

From a positive pregnancy test to the arrival of your baby, your health needs will have changed. To make the most of this experience, you can adjust your insurance coverage. Discover our advice for every step of your maternity journey.

Select your needs and discover our advice

Expecting a new arrival?

Congratulations! This is a very special time in your life, and you should be getting plenty of care and attention. But this wonderful news has probably also left you with a lot of questions, both medical and financial.

Read our advice on how to find the right insurance for your pregnancy and anticipate your future needs.
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Basic health insurance covers the following care:

  • Check-up examinations: seven examinations and two ultrasound scans for an uncomplicated pregnancy.
  • Supplemental check-ups, antenatal examination of the baby’s heart rate and ultrasound scans during a high-risk pregnancy.
  • Amniocentesis, umbilical cord blood sampling or chorionic villus sampling for pregnant women at risk.
  • Blood tests for detecting chromosomal anomalies if testing reveals an increased risk of Down syndrome.
  • Post-partum check-up
  • Contribution of CHF 150 for an individual or group childbirth preparation course given by a midwife or for an individual or group counselling session with a midwife on childbirth, planning and organising the postnatal period at home and preparation for breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding advice: three sessions given by a midwife or specialist nurse
  • Follow-up by a midwife
  • Exclusive for Groupe Mutuel policyholders: we refund up to CHF 175 for a Philips Avent single electric breast pump and up to CHF 340 for a Philips Avent double electric breast pump. Find out more about this offer

A number of different check-ups will take place during your pregnancy. These are scheduled based on the weeks of amenorrhea (WA) – i.e., the number of weeks since the first day of your last period. The seven check-ups and two ultrasound scans scheduled as part of a normal pregnancy are covered by your basic health insurance. They include:

  • 9th WA: The first consultation, during which your gynaecologist will confirm the pregnancy (if necessary, via a blood test) and check everything is going well.
  • 12th–14th WA: Ultrasound to determine due date.
  • 15th–18th WA: Second consultation with blood test, optional vaccinations, and discussion to prepare for the birth.
  • 20th–21st WA: Morphology scan and screening for Down syndrome.
  • 24th–26th WA: Third consultation with blood test, optional vaccination, and discussion to prepare for the birth.
  • 30th–32nd WA: Fourth consultation with blood test and optional vaccination.
  • 34th–36th WA: Fifth consultation with blood test and optional vaccination.
  • 37th–39th WA: Sixth consultation with blood test and optional vaccination.
  • 40th–41st WA: Seventh consultation with blood test and optional vaccination.

Our supplemental insurance plans cover requirements that aren’t included in basic health insurance, allowing you to see a specialist as often as you like to keep track of your baby’s development.

You’re carrying a new life. And because you’re completely focused on the tiny baby developing at breathtaking speed, it’s only natural to forget about yourself occasionally. During this special time, however, the most important person is actually you!

Your physical and mental wellbeing have a direct impact on your baby. So make sure you rest, relax, and take good care of yourself. Supplemental insurance allows you to enjoy additional benefits, including:

  • Access to alternative medicine to prepare your body to give birth as comfortably as possible.
  • Psychotherapy sessions to soothe your mind and prepare you to become a new mother or welcome another child.
  • Childcare for sick older siblings to make sure you have time to rest.
  • Access to supplemental pregnancy check-ups for additional peace of mind on your baby’s development.

Discover our supplemental insurance plans for additional support during your pregnancy

Alternative medicine

Do you wish to use natural medicine treatment methods? Discover our supplemental insurance plans that cover therapies administered by therapists and doctors. Alternative medicine is good for your health and... your budget!

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Hospitalisation in the private ward

Global privée supplemental insurance combines hospitalisation in the private ward, in a hospital or clinic, with top-notch additional benefits.

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Travelling while pregnant

Mundo supplemental insurance provides you with comprehensive coverage on holidays and trips around the globe. It includes annual coverage of up to CHF 100,000 if you fall ill or have an accident abroad. Thanks to Mundo, you can travel with complete peace of mind.

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Giving birth is a unique experience!

You are about to meet your baby. This little human being that has been growing inside you for months is about to show its face and you are about to experience a unique event in your life together.

So that you can enjoy this moment to the full, here is some advice on how to plan your delivery and anticipate the days ahead.
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It’s never too early to start planning your childbirth. Where, with whom, how, and what next? There are many aspects to consider in order to welcome your baby in the best conditions. And who better than yourself can define these “best conditions”? Talk to your gynaecologist about your ideal birth. Together, you will be able to find out what your possibilities are and what is best for your baby.

You have several possibilities for your birth, but remember to plan ahead for insurance coverage:

  • At home, in a birthing centre or in hospital, you can choose how you wish to give birth provided you have the consent of your doctor.
  • If you choose to give birth at home, be sure to have a medical professional at your side. In case of complications, you will be glad to rely on their expertise.
  • If you wish to benefit from the comfort of a clinic, you must have taken out supplemental insurance. Otherwise, you will not be reimbursed for any additional bills other than those you would have had in hospital.
  • You can go home after having given birth without spending the night in hospital, if your postpartum health and that of your baby allow it.

We explain how the costs of this important step are covered:

  • The basic health insurance covers the costs of childbirth preparation courses up to a maximum of CHF 150.
  • For women who have a planned caesarean section, some hospitals offer childbirth preparation courses adapted to their situation.
  • Breastfeeding advice given by midwives or nurses is reimbursed by the basic health insurance.

Giving birth is a joyful moment but also a stressful one for the mother. Here are some tips on how to plan ahead:

  • Prepare your suitcase for the maternity ward well in advance. If your water breaks unexpectedly, you may be in too much of a hurry to remember anything.
  • If you are a couple, talk about your expectations and the place that the other person will have on the big day. All eyes are on you, but your other half is also going through a big upheaval.
  • Ask for a single room if you are insured for a private ward. It will be all the more enjoyable to meet your baby alone.
  • Manage your visitors and be firm. Ask your family and friends to stick to certain times and to let you know before they visit. You may feel extremely tired following the birth and you don't have to share your baby with others right away.
  • If you don’t want visitors, you have the right to say so. Tell your family and friends openly about your choice. Those who have already had children will certainly understand.
  • Ask any questions that come to mind. Never hesitate to ask a health professional for advice. When you return home, if you are insured with Groupe Mutuel, do not hesitate to call the telemedicine hotline 24/7 whenever you need help.

After months of being pregnant and enjoying all the attention and after having given birth, you are now back home. All eyes are on your baby. However, for you, the journey is far from over. In addition to your responsibilities towards your newborn, you have to recover and, for those who decide to do so, manage breastfeeding.

  • To help you, your basic health insurance will pay for regular home visits by a midwife. These sessions will help to assess your recovery, treat any wounds you may have, support you in breastfeeding and ensure that everything is going well with your baby (weight gain, size, etc).
  • You will also be entitled to physiotherapy sessions to rehabilitate your perineum. These treatments are important and can prevent you from suffering from bladder weakness or more serious complications, such as prolapse.

Even before your baby is born, you’re already doing all you can to protect them

Adjusting your diet and habits, going for check-ups at the gynaecologist, and making your home as cosy as possible for the new arrival. You can also start planning for your baby’s healthcare and benefit from all the advantages of prenatal insurance.

Learn how and when to insure your baby to guarantee they have the best health coverage from the moment they arrive.
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Basic health insurance is mandatory for all Swiss residents, including newborn babies. If you haven’t already found a policy during pregnancy, you will need to do so before the baby is three months old.

Although supplemental health insurance is optional, it allows you to cover specific maternity needs, including:

  • Osteopathy sessions to help recover after childbirth.
  • Physiotherapy sessions, which some parents find helpful for babies with colic.
  • A single room in a private ward for you and your baby in the event of a hospital stay.
  • Your choice of doctor, clinic or specialist if there are any health problems.
  • Healthcare coverage abroad for your holidays.

Prenatal insurance allows you to take out mandatory and supplemental health insurance for your child before they are born. You can choose from the entire range of policies on offer – just as you would for a child that has already been born - and enjoy exclusive benefits, including:

  • No premiums to pay before the baby is born.
  • No health questionnaire to complete when taking out supplemental insurance.
  • No risk of being refused supplemental insurance, even in the event of congenital disorders or muscle weakness at birth.
  • Choose a basic health insurance model (either the standard model or an alternative model, which we recommend to save money on your premiums).
  • Include accident coverage.
  • Complement the coverage based on your needs by adding one or more supplemental insurance plans.
  • This will guarantee your child receives the best care possible.
  • The lowest premiums on the market in some Swiss cantons.
  • 24-hour telemedicine hotline
  • Customer app and user area to manage you and your child’s insurance.
  • Supplemental insurance specially designed for children

Calculate my future child’s premium

Find the prenatal insurance that matches your needs and your family’s budget.


Learn about basic health insurance models for your baby

Flexibility of choice

Under this basic insurance model, you choose from among four first points of contact and save up to 27%.


Standard model
Free choice of doctor

With the standard model, you are entirely free and can see the doctor of your choice, without any preconditions.


Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about our different insurance solutions?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Our useful tips

What should I add to my pregnancy “to-do list”?

What should I add to my pregnancy “to-do list”?

Pregnancy is a time of major upheaval for parents-to-be. In the midst of this emotional turmoil, it's important to think about the paperwork involved with the arrival of your baby. But don’t panic, we’ll guide you through a few points!

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Collecting your baby's stem cells: a unique opportunity

Collecting your baby's stem cells: a unique opportunity

The birth of your child is an opportunity to collect and store stem cells from the umbilical cord in ideal conditions. To date, more than 40,000 patients have undergone successful treatment using their stem cells. Currently, 5,000 studies on new therapies based on these cells are being conducted worldwide.

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Are you expecting a child?

Are you expecting a child?

The birth of a child remains a very special moment that brings great joy. But it can also be a time of worry and anxiety. You need to think of everything at once, from the child’s bedroom to the things you need to buy, as well as paperwork and insurance. Find out below how to make your life easier when it comes to planning insurance.

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Protect your baby from the moment they arrive

Discover our guide and learn all about prenatal insurance and providing for your child’s future.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111