
Supplemental insurance for medical expenses following an accident

Whether at work or in your free time: accidents happen quickly and can result in high costs. With ActiVita, you can add valuable benefits to your statutory insurance coverage.
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First-class supplemental protection in case of accidents

  • You are covered against unforeseeable costs associated with an accident, for example, for esthetic surgery.
  • You can enjoy the comfort of a private ward in hospital. You are free to choose the hospital and the doctors treating you. You will also receive comprehensive support – including home services.
  • ActiVita also covers some high-risk sports practised under normal conditions, such as parachuting, scuba diving and bungee jumping.

The key benefits at a glance

  • You can take out the insurance up to the age of 60. It provides coverage in the event of accidents at work and during your free time.
  • Hospital stay and rehabilitation: free choice of specialist and the comfort of a private ward in an institution of your choice from the list of recognised hospitals (unlimited benefits in Switzerland, reimbursement of costs abroad up to a maximum of CHF 3,000 per day).
  • Emergency transportation and rescue: coverage of search, rescue, and emergency transport costs up to CHF 60,000 per case.
  • Esthetic surgery: reimbursement of costs up to CHF 60,000 per case for surgery in Switzerland.
  • Home services: checking fridges and freezers, emptying mailboxes, taking care of pets, etc. Reimbursement of costs up to CHF 1,500 per case.
  • Reimbursement of a sports membership fee: reimbursement up to CHF 500.

List of benefits covered

For the full list of benefits covered, please see the terms and conditions of insurance.


Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about ActiVita insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

Accident coverage is compulsory in Switzerland and is included in the compulsory health insurance (LAMal/KVG). People who work more than eight hours a week and who are subject to compulsory accident insurance by their employer in accordance with the LAA/UVG (law on accident insurance) can request that their health insurer suspend this risk.

As soon as a loss occurs, the insured person must notify the appropriate insurer of the loss. Please print the LAMal/LCA accident report form, complete all sections and return it to the address indicated on the form.   
In the event of a dental accident, you must have your dentist complete a dental accident report, in addition to the accident report.


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Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111