Your insurance requirements

Take out insurance against illness and accidents, become a home owner, take out legal protection insurance, cover loss of earnings: there are many different insurance requirements. Whatever your expectations, you will find the coverage you need in the four areas below. Groupe Mutuel is by your side. 


Our solutions to save money, protect your family members, plan your retirement. Pages available in German, French and Italian

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Legal and material

Our solutions to protect your belongings and defend your rights

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Our solutions to guarantee your income, extend your accident insurance and insure your household staff.

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Optimise your insurance costs and save money

Lower your basic health insurance premiums, enjoy discounts on supplemental insurance and reduce your tax burden thanks to life insurance. There are many ways to optimise your health coverage and save money.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111