Human support plays a major role in life, particularly during pregnancy. For this reason, Groupe Mutuel and the Swiss doula association “Doula CH” have signed an innovative agreement that will allow women and their families to benefit from customised support, the costs of which will be reimbursed by supplemental insurance.
Open pdf fileConcern about retirement pensions continues to grow. The Swiss people remain extremely divided at a time when adjustments to the system are more urgent than ever. This is the result of an exclusive survey conducted by the MIS Trend institute, in partnership with Le Temps and Groupe Mutuel. The survey results will be presented in detail at the fourth edition of the pension forum “Forum Prévoyance”, due to take place on Thursday 31 August 2023 at the IMD in Lausanne.
Open pdf fileAfter having served on the Board of Groupe Mutuel since 2015, Urs Schwaller has decided to step down. Karin Perraudin, President of the Board, took this opportunity to bid farewell and thank the Fribourg native for the quality of his work over the past eight years. To replace him, the members of Fondation Groupe Mutuel elected Petra Feigl-Fässler at the last general meeting, held on Friday 16 June 2023 in Martigny.
Open pdf fileA representative survey by Groupe Mutuel shows that approximately one in five Swiss women suffer from severe menstrual pain and that more than half of those surveyed take painkillers to help them cope. In addition, many women feel restricted in their daily lives during their periods. In particular, they may give up sports and sexual intercourse and choose to wear dark-coloured clothes.
Open pdf fileExcellent business results (+67,500 insured persons for basic insurance and +1,000 companies which have placed their trust in us) in a context where financial results are impacted by financial markets and the continuing increase in health costs. The Board of Groupe Mutuel welcomes a new member.
Open pdf fileBuilding on the success of its first two years, Tech4Eva, a unique international accelerator in Switzerland, is now entering its third season. As a result of a partnership between Groupe Mutuel and the EPFL Innovation Park, Tech4Eva has attracted 147 projects from 40 countries for 2023, an increase of 18.5% with respect to the second edition and 33.6% compared to the first edition. Like the second edition, 80% of start-ups were created by women. The kick-off of the third edition will take place in Kaiseraugst near Basel, in partnership with Roche.
Open pdf fileExcessive or inappropriate medical treatment is considered to be an avoidable risk and costs factor in the health system. A study carried out by the University of St. Gallen, using data from Groupe Mutuel, shows in concrete terms by means of two clinical models how patients can receive better care while limiting costs.
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