Global smart

The triple-win combined solution

Three hospitalisation levels, three coverage options and a choice of three deductibles… Global smart meets all your requirements for treatment in Switzerland and in emergencies abroad, for a very competitive premium.
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A generous and advantageous addition to your basic insurance

  • You benefit from extensive coverage to complement your basic insurance for outpatient treatment and stays in hospital.  
  • You choose between three levels of benefits to suit your specific needs. 
  • You are covered abroad in case of emergency (illness or accident), up to CHF 100,000 per year. 

Main benefits covered

  • You can apply for “Global smart” insurance, levels 1 and 2, at any age, and up to the age of 70 for level 3. The insurance provides cover in the event of illness, maternity and accident.
  • You choose between three deductibles depending on the level :  CHF 0 or CHF 500 (levels 1, 2 and 3) or CHF 1,000 (level 3 only).

Benefits covered
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3


General ward throughout Switzerland

General ward throughout Switzerland

Semi-private or private ward throughout Switzerland

Alternative medicine




Restricted and non reimbursable drugs

90%, unlimited prescriptions

90%, unlimited prescriptions

90%, unlimited prescriptions

Glasses and contact lenses

CHF 150 every three years

CHF 200 every three years

CHF 200 every three years

Fitness and prevention

Fitness 50%,
max. CHF 200/year

Vaccinations 90%

Check-ups 90%,
max. one every three years

Fitness 50%,
max. CHF 200/year   

Vaccinations 90%

Check-ups 90%,
max. one every three years

Fitness 50%,
max. CHF 200/year  

Vaccinations 90%

Check-ups 90%,
max. one every three years

Dental treatments

Under 18 years:
50%, max. CHF 2,000/year

From age 19:
50%, max. CHF 500/year

Under 18 years:
50%, max. CHF 2,000/year

From age 19:
50%, max. CHF 1,000/year

List of benefits covered

For the full list of benefits covered, please see the terms and conditions of insurance.


Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about Global smart supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Frequently asked questions

If you only have basic insurance, you can be admitted to a clinic providing you stay in a general ward and that the clinic is listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).
If not, you must have supplemental insurance to cover the costs of a semi-private or private room.

Your basic insurance covers standard hospital care in the general ward of a hospital listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).

Use our dedicated search tool to quickly check whether an alternative therapist is recognised by Groupe Mutuel.

See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111