Actuarial services


To understand and manage your risks, whether for pension funds, insurance companies or businesses.

You are?

  • A pension fund, a collective foundation or a joint foundation, under private or public law
  • An insurance company or a captive reinsurer
  • A local or multinational company
  • A public institution

Our services

Expert mandate according to Art. 52e LPP/BVG

  • Periodically check that the pension fund is able to meet its obligations
  • Ensure that regulatory provisions of an actuarial nature and those relating to benefits and financing comply with legal provisions
  • Submit recommendations concerning the technical bases
  • Recommend measures to be taken in the event of an overdraft

Actuarial advice

  • Actuarial risk analyses and second opinions
  • Design an insurance plan and compare it to companies in the same industry
  • Review insurance needs and optimise insurance coverage
  • Assess and project liabilities
  • Support processes of merger and partial or total liquidation (liquidator mandate)
  • Design a pension plan and compare it to companies in the same industry
  • Analyse and optimise your company's risks

International accounting standards

  • Assess a company's liabilities in accordance with international accounting standards (IAS19, US GAAP ASC 715, IPSAS 39) using software recognised by the leading auditing companies
  • Produce a clear and tailor-made report
  • Consolidate the liabilities of multinationals, assessing foreign subsidiaries thanks to our global network of consultants
  • Identify the appropriate risk management measures for employers (de-risking)

Our strengths

and efficient organisation

A human-sized team

and quality services

A dedicated contact person for each of our clients

Highly qualified

A team of accredited pension fund experts and consultants

Your advantages

and comprehensive advice

Comprehensive view of risk (actuarial, legal, investment)

Close contact
with our consultants

Awareness of your issues and challenges

No conflict
of interest

The guarantee of independent advice

Request an offer

Contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation meeting with one of our occupational pension specialists.

Contact us
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111