Have eye surgery without breaking the bank

Are you short-sighted, astigmatic or long-sighted, or is your close vision deteriorating with age (presbyopia)? Are you fed up with your glasses or contact lenses?

Get rid of your glasses and contact lenses without breaking the bank! How? With refractive laser surgery carried out by a Groupe Mutuel partner.

Reputable partners

Groupe Mutuel has agreements in place with highly reputable specialist ophthalmology centres. You will only pay CHF 1,600 per eye, all-inclusive, i.e. a reduction of more than CHF 1,000 per eye compared with other centres.

An advantage for Groupe Mutuel insured persons

This surgery is not covered by basic insurance. The discount we are offering here is an advantage for persons insured with Groupe Mutuel.

Say goodbye to short-sightedness, presbyopia, astigmatism and long-sightedness!

Discover Group Mutuel’s partner centres and say goodbye to your glasses and contact lenses.

How to benefit from this offer?

Do you wish to take advantage of our refractive surgery offer? It’s simple and without obligation.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111