
Personal liability insurance (RC)

If your son breaks a neighbour's window or your dog tears your friend's trousers, you will be held liable. Our personal liability insurance covers bodily injury and material damage caused to others and protects you against the financial consequences of such events.
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Worldwide protection against private incidents

  • You can choose between two levels of coverage and several options according to your needs. 
  • With the “family”package, the people in your household and your children are also covered.  
  • You are insured against damage caused to others or to property, anywhere in the world

Main benefits covered

The insurance covers: 

  • Physical injury and material damage caused to third parties.
  • Defence against unjustified claims for compensation from third parties in the context of an insured claim. 
  • Up to CHF 3 million/year (Basic level) or CHF 5 million/year (Plus level) with the option of choosing a deductible amount. 

Basic module
Damage caused to persons, animals or objects as a:
Basic level
Plus level
Private individual
Head of family, amateur sportsman, cyclist, driver of third-party vehicles (excluding damage to the borrowed vehicle), animal keeper, horse rider (excluding damage to the animal), member of the military, civil defence or fire brigade, etc.
Main residence, hotel room, holiday apartment, etc.
Home owner
Detached house, apartment in a second home, etc.
Person responsible for entrusted items
Person responsible for damage caused to entrusted items/animals
Special insured cases
Basic level
Plus level
Compensation in the absence of liability for damage caused by persons incapable of discernment who live with you Max. CHF 100,000/case Max. CHF 100,000/case
Compensation in the absence of liability for material damage: during sports or leisure activities, by an animal Max. CHF 2,000/case Max. CHF 2,000/case
Independent accessory activities Max. CHF 20,000/case for material damage Max. CHF 20,000/case for material damage
Criminal proceedings brought against an insured person, in the context of an insured claim Legal fees, max. CHF 10,000/case Legal fees, max. CHF 10,000/case
Loss caused by gross negligence No reduction in benefits
(except if the insured was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication at the time the loss was caused)
No reduction in benefits
(except if the insured was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication at the time the loss was caused)
Financial default of the responsible party
Basic level
Plus level
Bodily injury and property damage caused to insured persons by an insolvent third party without personal liability insurance Max. CHF 100,000/case
Coverage subject to a premium surcharge
Basic level
Plus level
Damage to third-party vehicles Max. CHF 50,000/case
Horses and/or ponies hired or borrowed Max. CHF 30,000/case
Hunter Max. CHF 5 million/case
Small-scale aircraft models Max. CHF 5 million/case

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Do you have any questions about SelfProtect insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111