Benefits available free of charge in our partner pharmacies
Upon arrival in the pharmacy*, specify that you are insured under the PrimaFlex model so that you can benefit from these services free of charge if considered necessary by the pharmacist.
PrimaFlex is the first alternative basic insurance model in Switzerland to actively promote prevention and, at the same time, support equal opportunities in terms of screening.
Upon arrival in the pharmacy*, specify that you are insured under the PrimaFlex model so that you can benefit from these services free of charge if considered necessary by the pharmacist.
This includes a long-term blood sugar measurement and a discussion to assess whether you need a treatment.
This includes cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and waist circumference, as well as a discussion following the results to assess whether you need a treatment.
Pharyngeal smear used to detect bacteria (streptococcus A) in the case of sore throats, which can have different origins (mostly viral but in some cases bacterial). This helps to identify the appropriate treatment.
This test measures the level of CRP (C-reactive protein), an important marker of inflammation in the body, particularly when a bacterial infection is suspected. This helps to identify whether it is necessary to administer an antibiotic.
This platform allows pharmacists to ask a doctor from the telemedicine company Medgate to call the insured person back within 10 minutes if they feel that a doctor‘s expertise is required.
* Some partner pharmacies do not offer all the benefits.
Breast cancer affects one in eight women in their lifetime (23% of which occur before the age of 50).
Early detection reduces morbidity and heavy treatments, increases the survival rate, and significantly reduces costs. Therefore, in some cantons, cantonal screening programmes have been set up for women from 50 onwards. However, these programmes are not available throughout Switzerland and only concern a certain age group.
In this context, and to support equal opportunities, we are improving early detection of breast cancer for women insured under PrimaFlex.
To benefit from this, all you have to do is:
Some benefits are particularly good for your health and help to reduce costs (such as breast cancer screening or generic drugs). We wish to encourage persons insured with PrimaFlex to use the following benefits without us charging for the deductible, provided that the criteria for coverage by basic insurance are met:
Sometimes the same medical invoice may contain different benefits or even different appointments.
It is therefore possible that only part of your invoice, i.e. the part relating to the benefits listed above, is exempt from the deductible.
Do you have any questions about PrimaFlex? Our specialist advisers are here to help.