
Insurance to cope with the consequences of your child being diagnosed with cancer

KidsProtect provides for the payment of a pension in the event of a child developing cancer. This financial support allows to make up for one of the parents having to reduce or stop working in order to care for the child during the illness.
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Parents of a child who is diagnosed with cancer face major upheaval, affecting both their emotional and financial stability.
KidsProtect supports you with a supplemental income in the form of a monthly benefit of CHF 4,000, which you can use at your discretion to cope with the constraints of the new situation.

For example:

  • redefine your timetable, if necessary, reducing or stopping your work;
  • organise the care of siblings;
  • bear the cost of meals taken outside of the home or the cost of travel required for your child's treatment.

Additional strength at your side

  • Your child can be admitted without a medical examination, up to the age of 16 (provided that the child to be insured has not been diagnosed with cancer at the time of subscription).
  • Payment of the monthly pension from the beginning of the treatment.
  • You are free to choose how to use the monthly benefit. No proof is required from the insurance company.


Together against childhood cancer

We support Zoé4life, an association that offers financial support to families with a child affected by cancer and living in Switzerland.

Zoé4life also supports research on pediatric cancer with the aim of increasing the recovery rate and providing more appropriate treatments for children.

The main benefits covered

Monthly benefit of CHF 4,000.
A maximum of 15 benefits, paid within 60 months, according to how the treatment progresses.

Example of payment of the benefit:


Request advice

Do you have any questions about KidsProtect supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111