
Daily allowance in case of inability to carry out housework following an accident

In Switzerland, men and women spend an average of 25 hours per week on housework. Thanks to Sekunda insurance, you can receive a daily allowance if you are unable to perform housework because of an accident. This helps you to finance, for example, the hiring of a home help.
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We help you with your housework

  • You receive your benefits regardless of the circumstances of your accident, whether it occurred during your leisure time, while practising sport or at work.
  • You spend the allowance as you see fit. You do not have to submit any receipts.
  • For example, you can use the money to pay for things like hiring a family or household helper, childcare or meals on wheels

Here’s how Sekunda works

You can take out insurance up to the age of 55. 

  • When you take out the contract, you choose the amount of the insured daily allowance: CHF 30 or CHF 50.
  • You are entitled to benefits from the 16th day of incapacity to carry out housework, if you are at least 25% incapacitated.
  • The amount of daily benefits is proportional to the degree of incapacity for housework. You will receive the full amount of the agreed daily benefits if you are 70% or more incapacitated.
  • You will receive a maximum of 365 daily benefits for all cases combined, after which the insurance ends.


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Do you have any questions about Sekunda supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

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Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111