Supplemental hospitalisation insurance

Tailored coverage: four levels of benefits to choose from

What level of coverage would you like if you need to stay in hospital? With our hospitalisation insurance, you can choose between four levels of benefits, from treatment in a general ward throughout Switzerland to a private ward worldwide.
Ask for advice

Key benefits at a glance

With all four levels of coverage, you will be reimbursed for the full costs of your hospital stay in the event of illness, accident, or maternity.

You can take out this supplemental insurance up to the age of 60.

  • Level 1: general ward, room with more than two beds
  • Level 2: semi-private ward, two-bed room
  • Level 3: private ward, single room
  • Level 4: private ward, single room with extensive coverage abroad

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Traitements dentaires
Traitements dentaires
Traitements dentaires
Traitements dentaires

general ward

semi-private ward

private ward

private ward worldwide

Lunettes et lentilles de contact
Lunettes et lentilles de contact
Lunettes et lentilles de contact
Lunettes et lentilles de contact

Hospital comfort:
room with more than two beds

Hospital comfort:
room with two beds

Hospital comfort:
room with one bed

Hospital comfort:
room with one bed

Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire
Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire
Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire
Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire

Free choice of doctor at the hospital

Free choice of doctor at the hospital

Free choice of doctor at the hospital

Prévention et activités sportives
Prévention et activités sportives
Prévention et activités sportives
Prévention et activités sportives

Free choice of hospital from the list of approved hospitals

Free choice of hospital from the list of approved hospitals

Free choice of hospital from the list of approved hospitals

Free choice of hospital from the list of approved hospitals

Correction des cicatrices
Correction des cicatrices
Correction des cicatrices
Correction des cicatrices

Full coverage of costs in Switzerland

Full coverage of costs in Switzerland

Full coverage of costs in Switzerland

Full coverage of costs in Switzerland

Maximum coverage abroad: CHF 500/day

Maximum coverage abroad: CHF 1,000/day

Maximum coverage abroad: CHF 1,500/day

Maximum coverage abroad: CHF 3,000/day

List of benefits covered

For the full list of benefits covered, please see the terms and conditions of insurance.


Request advice

Do you have any questions about supplemental hospitalisation insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

If you only have basic insurance, you can be admitted to a clinic providing you stay in a general ward and that the clinic is listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).
If not, you must have supplemental insurance to cover the costs of a semi-private or private room.

Your basic insurance covers standard hospital care in the general ward of a hospital listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).

See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111