
Choose your hospital ward upon admission

H-Bonus combines freedom of choice, flexibility and savings. You choose your hospital ward upon admission and benefit from a 20% premium bonus from the moment you sign the contract.
Ask for advice

Flexible hospitalisation insurance

  • Before each stay in hospital, you can choose your level of coverage (general, semi-private or private ward). 
  • You benefit from a 20% discount on your monthly premium, from the moment you sign the contract, as long as you are not hospitalised in a semi-private or private ward.  
  • You are free to choose your doctor and the hospital where you will be treated, from the list of recognised hospitals.

Here’s how H-Bonus works

You can sign up to H-Bonus up to the age of 60. This insurance provides cover in the event of illness, maternity and accident.

During a hospital stay, your needs (free choice of doctor, comfort, etc.) may change depending on your state of health, the type of surgery or the length of your stay.
H-Bonus allows you to choose, at the time of your admission, the level of cover you wish to receive. Your contribution to hospital costs will then depend on the chosen ward:

General ward

Your contribution:
No contribution on your part


Semi-private ward

Your contribution:
CHF 100 per day in hospital (after 30 days of hospitalisation per calendar year, you no longer have to pay a contribution)


Private ward:

Your contribution:
CHF 200 per day in hospital (after 20 days of hospitalisation per calendar year, you no longer have to pay a contribution)


Bonus system

  • You pay only 80% of the premium (-20% discount), as soon as you take out insurance. You benefit from the discount as long as you are not hospitalised a semi-private or private ward.  
  • If you choose to be hospitalised in a semi-private or private ward, you will then pay 100% of your premiums for three years. After that, you will benefit again from the 20% discount.  
  • If you are hospitalised again in the semi-private or private ward during the three years following your last hospitalisation,the three-year period starts again at the beginning of the calendar year following the period of hospitalisation.  

Examples of benefits covered

Type of care
Type of hospital stay
Cost of hospitalisation
Your contribution to costs
Intervention chirurgicale programmée
Intervention chirurgicale programmée
Intervention chirurgicale programmée
Intervention chirurgicale programmée

Scheduled surgery

Private ward 3 days - Geneva

CHF 5,912.25

CHF 600
(CHF 200/day)

Intervention chirurgicale à la suite d’un accident
Intervention chirurgicale à la suite d’un accident
Intervention chirurgicale à la suite d’un accident
Intervention chirurgicale à la suite d’un accident

Surgery following an accident

Semi-private ward 4 days - Vaud

CHF 4,264.55

CHF 400
(CHF 100/day)

Réadaptation à la suite d’une maladie
Réadaptation à la suite d’une maladie
Réadaptation à la suite d’une maladie
Réadaptation à la suite d’une maladie

Rehabilitation following an illness

Semi-private ward 38 days - Zurich

CHF 51,145

CHF 3,000
CHF 100/day, max. 30 days i.e. CHF 3,000/calendar year)

List of benefits covered

For the full list of benefits covered, please see the terms and conditions of insurance.


Request advice

Do you have any questions about H-Bonus supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

If you only have basic insurance, you can be admitted to a clinic providing you stay in a general ward and that the clinic is listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).
If not, you must have supplemental insurance to cover the costs of a semi-private or private room.

Your basic insurance covers standard hospital care in the general ward of a hospital listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111