
Ideal supplemental insurance for older people

You will soon retire. Now's the time to adjust your coverage to meet your new needs. Vitalis has been specially designed for this period of your life. We offer tailor-made benefits for those happy years ahead.
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Comfort, well-being and competitive premiums

  • You benefit from services specially designed for older people, such as spa treatment and convalescence cures, or home help and medical aids, when prescribed by a doctor. 
  • You have access to preventive measures such as vaccinations for trips abroad, check-ups or back training.
  • With Vitalis, you can supplement the benefits offered by our combined insurance, for inpatient and outpatient treatments.

Main benefits covered

  • This insurance can be taken out until age 60. Some benefits are subject to a 10% co-payment (medical aids, spa and convalescence treatments, prevention).

Spa and convalescence treatments following illness
Medically prescribed cures CHF 50/day, max. CHF 1,500/year
Home help following illness or accident
Medically necessary home help 50%, max. CHF 500/year
Transport and rescue
Emergency transport or treatment in hospital, rescue 80%, max. CHF 2,500/year
Medical aids
Medically necessary aids according to the insurer's list Max. CHF 300/year
Vaccinations Required for stays abroad
Check-up One check-up per year
Back training Max. CHF 200/year

Request advice

Do you have any questions about Vitalis supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

Before applying for a cure, your doctor must send us a request for coverage, mentioning the name of the spa facilities so that we may check whether they are recognised.

Please contact our services or use our search tool to check whether the therapist and treatment are recognised by Groupe Mutuel and that your supplemental insurance is intended for this purpose.

No. Even if they are prescribed by a doctor, household helpers are not covered by compulsory health insurance.

To bridge the gaps in your health insurance, our advisers can help you choose the right supplemental insurance: contact us

See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111