
Supplemental insurance that meets your requirements

"Premium" insurance provides support on a day-to-day basis, whether to pay for an osteopathy session or your child’s football club fees. Enjoy comprehensive coverage for outpatient care, alternative medicine, a number of medicines, fitness and dental care, as well a contribution to your day-to-day expenses.
Ask for advice

Prevention, sports and alternative medicine for the whole family

  • Exclusive: 90% of the costs of contraception prescribed by a doctor are covered (max. CHF 500 per year). 
  • You will receive a contribution (90%, max. CHF 200/calendar year) towards membership to a sports club or the costs of an annual (or season) ski or pool pass. 
  • Orthodontic treatments (children up to 18 years) are reimbursed at a rate of 75%, up to CHF 3,000 per year

Main benefits covered

You can sign up to “Premium” insurance up to the age of 70. You will benefit from a discount for children if one of the parents has also taken out the same edition of “Premium” insurance. 

Examples of benefits covered

Example of expenses
Covered by Premium
Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire
Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire
Frais en cas d’intervention chirurgicale ambulatoire

Contraceptive measures prescribed by a doctor
Exclusive to Premium

Contraception (insertion of a hormonal IUD)

90%, max. CHF 500 per year

Traitements dentaires
Traitements dentaires
Traitements dentaires

Sports activity*

Annual subscription to a football club

90%, max. CHF 200 per year

Lunettes et lentilles de contact
Lunettes et lentilles de contact
Lunettes et lentilles de contact


Fitness centre annual subscription

50%, max. CHF 500 per year

Prévention et activités sportives
Prévention et activités sportives
Prévention et activités sportives


Optician’s invoice

max. CHF 500 every three years

Correction des cicatrices
Correction des cicatrices
Correction des cicatrices

Orthodontics (for insureds up to 18 years)

Orthodontic treatment (supply and fitting of braces)

75%, max. CHF 3,000 per calendar year

*Max. CHF 500 per year for all prevention and sporting activity services

List of benefits covered

For the full list of benefits covered, please see the terms and conditions of insurance.


Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about Premium supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Frequently asked questions

Please check the list of sports recognised by Premium insurance, in the section “Documents for download”.

For children up to 18 years old, the coverage for orthodontic treatments amounts to 75% of the invoiced costs, up to a maximum of CHF 3,000 per calendar year.

In addition, 75% of the costs of dental treatments (dental hygiene, fillings in the event of cavities, implants, etc.) are also covered, up to CHF 500 per calendar year, for both children and adults.

Premium covers 50% of the costs of fitness subscriptions, up to a maximum of CHF 500 per calendar year.

Use our dedicated search tool to quickly check whether an alternative therapist is recognised by Groupe Mutuel.

See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111