
Accident insurance for children aged 0-18 years

Your child is growing up and discovering the joys of life... but also its dangers. Do you wish to ensure that he/she receives the best possible coverage in the event of an accident? Acrobat insurance looks after your child on a daily basis, in Switzerland and abroad, and provides extensive coverage at a competitive premium rate.


  • I choose one of three levels of benefits:
  • Acrobateco: comfort in hospital
    Acrobatlight: payment of a lump-sum amount in the event of disability or death
    Acrobatstandard: the most extensive coverage by combining “eco” and “light” levels

  • This insurance is open to persons under 17 years.

Benefits covered


Private ward

Free choice of specialist and medical facilities

Private ward

Free choice of specialist and medical facilities

Insured lump-sum amounts
Insured lump-sum amounts
Insured lump-sum amounts

In the event of disability: Up to CHF 700,000

In the event of death:
CHF 10,000

In the event of disability:
Up to CHF 700,000

In the event of death:
CHF 10,000.–

In the event of hospitalisation:
CHF 500/year

Search and rescue operations and emergency transport
Search and rescue operations and emergency transport
Search and rescue operations and emergency transport

CHF 50,000/case

CHF 50,000/case

CHF 50,000/case

Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery

Max. CHF 20,000

Max. CHF 20,000

Max. CHF 20,000

Assistance to catch up at school
Assistance to catch up at school
Assistance to catch up at school

Max. CHF 3,000

Max. CHF 3,000

Max. CHF 3,000

Home help and home care
Home help and home care
Home help and home care

Max. CHF 200/day

Max. CHF 200/day

Max. CHF 200/day

Sports subscription
Sports subscription
Sports subscription

Max. CHF 500/case

Max. CHF 500/case

Max. CHF 500/case

  • Simplicity: one single and identical insurance covers a number of benefits.
  • Individuality: I choose the coverage level that is right for me.
  • Security: continuation of coverage with a premium waiver in the event of death or disability of the policyholder following an accident.

Ask for advice and obtain
three months free of charge

Do you have any questions about Acrobat insurance? Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.
Sign up to Acrobat insurance before September 2024 and obtain three months free of charge**

** Offer available only through an adviser or an agency.

Why do I need additional accident insurance for my child?

While minor injuries are covered by the accident risk added to basic health insurance, larger injuries can result in other costs such as transport, search or rescue, home care or medical care. plastic surgery.
At the same time, stopping the child may require help with remedial education.
All of these needs come at a cost, which is not covered by basic health insurance. Supplementary insurance then allows you to face the financial consequences of an accident all over the world and thus focus all of your energy on your child's recovery.

What is included in Acrobat Children's Accident Insurance?

Acrobat children's accident insurance offers you three levels of coverage to choose from, to supplement basic health insurance benefits optimally, according to your needs:

  • Acrobateco for hospital comfort in private ward.
  • Acrobatlight to guarantee capital in the event of disability or death.
  • Acrobatstandard for extended coverage that combines rescue, repatriation, hospitalization and capital, worldwide.

You will find the complete list of services for each level of coverage on the Acrobat page, in the relevant documents.

Who can take out Acrobat insurance for a child?

The Acrobat supplementary insurance can be taken out for a child only by his legal representative. By purchasing Acrobat for your child, you give them the security of optimal coverage and extensive care in the event of an accident.
Have you recently become a grandparent, an uncle or auntie and would like to give a caring and original birth gift? You have the option of taking out life insurance in which the new member of your family is the beneficiary.
Discover all of our products for life.

From what age can my child benefit from Acrobat accident insurance?

You can take out additional Acrobat accident insurance for your child from birth and even before (prenatal), up to the age of 17.
Coverage can be effective from birth until age 18.

Frequently asked questions

As soon as a loss occurs, the insured person must notify the appropriate insurer of the loss. Please print the LAMal/LCA accident report form, complete all sections and return it to the address indicated on the form.   
In the event of a dental accident, you must have your dentist complete a dental accident report, in addition to the accident report.


See all FAQs
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111