Health insurance for expatriates

In partnership with Allianz Partners

Are you planning to live or work abroad for a few years as an expatriate? We have partnered with Allianz Partners to provide you with a solution tailored to your needs. While you continue to receive similar medical care abroad, we are already planning for your return. 

Relocate abroad with peace of mind

  • Depending on the level of coverage, the insurance covers your routine or emergency medical expenses, hospitalisation in a single or two-bed room, maternity expenses and dental care.
  • Abroad, you are entitled to similar coverage to what you have with us, without a new health examination*.
  • When you return to Switzerland, you can benefit from health services comparable to those you had before your departure, without having to undergo a new health examination*.

Here’s how expatriate health insurance works

To benefit from this insurance, you must:

  • Have been insured with Groupe Mutuel for at least two years. Children under the age of two at the time of application must have been insured since birth.
  • Request a written offer from our partner Allianz to confirm whether you are eligible, based on your current insurance and your place of destination. 

*The exemption from the health examination applies until the age of 65, after which a prior medical evaluation will be required.

Do you need more information?

Please contact our partner directly by email at:

Request an offer online
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111