
Legal protection for patients

Disputes regarding health issues are often very complex. They require expert reports and can lead to costly legal proceedings. Have you suffered serious consequences to your well-being as a result of a treatment error? Assert your legal rights. Legissana+ represents your interests in medical disputes.
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Valuable support in enforcing your rights

  • You will be advised by expert lawyers and attorneys in order to represent your interests. / Expert lawyers and attorneys will advise you and represent your interests.
  • The costs of legal proceedings and advance payments are no longer an issue.
  • You are insured worldwide.

Simple and effective: How Legis sana+ works

Unlimited reimbursement of costs for legal assistance by Dextra Rechtsschutz AG. The experts will support you in enforcing your rights in the following cases:

  • Error in diagnosis or treatment
  • Violation of data protection by medical practitioners
  • Physical harm caused by a defective medical product or device (e.g., a faulty prosthetic hip).

Is an independent lawyer required, e.g., in a court case? Legis sana+ covers the costs up to CHF 500,000 per case in Switzerland and up to CHF 50,000 worldwide. This applies to:

  • Fees for lawyers or attorneys appointed in the event of legal proceedings or with the prior consent of Dextra Rechtsschutz AG
  • Costs for expertise and court fees
  • Procedural costs
  • Legal compensation to the opposing party
  • Travel costs for official summonses and costs of legal prosecution

Make a claim or get legal advice

Make a claim or get advice: Dextra Rechtsschutz AG is our partner for claims processing.

Make a claim

List of services covered

For a full list of the services covered, see the policy terms and conditions.


Request advice

Do you have any questions about Legissana+ insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111