Cantonal hospitals

Anticipate the costs of your stay in hospital

Basic health insurance covers standard medical expenses in a general ward when staying in a cantonal hospital.
If you have supplemental insurance for hospitalisation in a private or semi-private ward, you are free to choose your preferred hospital in Switzerland, as long as it is recognised by Groupe Mutuel.

Select the type of insurance you require:

Facilities and doctors recognised under your supplemental hospital insurance

Do you have supplemental hospital insurance for staying in a private or semi-private ward? If so, you may benefit from several advantages, such as:

  • choice of doctor
  • choice of medical facility
  • room and board benefits (when choosing a one or two-bed room).

The ability to offer affordable insurance, thanks to efficient cost control

Groupe Mutuel is actively working to achieve greater transparency and cost control. We are doing all we can to maintain the above advantages at the best possible price. In this context, we negotiate on a regular basis with the different healthcare providers (hospitals or doctors) to decide upon the benefits provided and their corresponding rates. When we sign such an agreement, service providers are added to the list of healthcare providers recognised by Groupe Mutuel.

How do I check whether my doctor or medical facility is recognised by Groupe Mutuel?

The list of healthcare providers recognised by Groupe Mutuel for stays in a semi-private or private ward may change during the year. We recommend that you check the list regularly, in particular if you are planning to stay in hospital.

To date, the main Swiss healthcare providers have signed an agreement and are recognised by Groupe Mutuel. Therefore, by choosing a recognised hospital and doctor, you are guaranteed full financial coverage, in accordance with the special terms and conditions of your supplemental hospital insurance.

  • Lists of healthcare providers and maximum amounts (PDF)

Will my expenses be reimbursed if I call upon a non-recognised doctor or medical facility?

From 1 January 2024, our coverage will be restricted to the maximum amounts specified in your terms and conditions of insurance in the event of a stay in a hospital or treatment by a doctor not recognised by Groupe Mutuel.

Conditions d’assurance signées avant le 01.01.2024
Terms and conditions of insurance signed before 1 January 2024

Hospitals recognised under your basic health insurance

Your compulsory basic health insurance covers standard medical expenses in a general ward when staying in a cantonal hospital. In accordance with the Federal Law on Health Insurance (LAMal/KVG), insureds persons contribute to the costs of their stay in hospital.

These costs include:

  • the deductible (according to your insurance contract)
  • 10% of costs exceeding the deductible (co-insurance)
  • a contribution to the costs of room and board

Click here to find out more about the benefits, rates and terms and conditions of coverage:

List of cantonal hospitals by speciality

Do you wish to find the hospital best suited to your circumstances?

The “Hostofinder” comparison table is made for you! Select your search criteria and compare the list of facilities using indicators such as the quality of medical treatment, patient satisfaction and the professionalism of hospital staff:

Do you have any questions about the costs of maternity and birth centres? View the legal information:

Supplemental insurance Hospitalisation

Find out about the range of Groupe Mutuel supplemental insurance that gives access to private and semi-private benefits.

Read more
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111