Order my insurance card

Whether it has been lost, damaged or stolen, tell us why you need a new insurance card. We will cancel your current card and replace it as soon as possible.

Order your new insurance card online

Our online form allows you to cancel your insurance card and order a new one with just one click.


Digital insurance card

Find your insurance card at any time directly on your smartphone with the GMapp mobile app.

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Frequently asked questions

Your insurance number can be found on your insurance certificate (under your date of birth) and on the invoices received.
It can also be found on your insurance card, if the card was issued from May 2019 onwards. However, it is not shown on older cards.

This number is useful to the various healthcare providers you consult. With this number, they have access to your insurance coverage and can invoice us directly for their fees.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111