
Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the coronavirus.


Quarantine cases fall within the competence of compensation funds in accordance with the measures taken by the Swiss Federal Council. You will find more information on the subject in the document issued by The Information Centre OASI/DI (not available in English).

Due to the widespread propagation of the coronavirus, it is probably no longer possible to make an exclusive or overriding causal link to work. COVID-19 should therefore not be recognised as an occupational illness. However, due to the extraordinary situation, Groupe Mutuel has agreed to cover as an "occupational illness", under the compulsory accident insurance (LAA/UVG), COVID-19 infections that are predominantly due to an occupational activity in a hospital or laboratory. Groupe Mutuel will assess each case individually.

  1. Loss of earnings insurance in the event of illness only covers incapacity for work due to physical or mental health impairment. Therefore, the person must have actually been infected by the illness and, because of the appearance of symptoms (fever, tiredness, etc.), is unable to work. The illness must be proven and justified medically.
  2. Loss of earnings insurance does not cover the inability to travel to work or the economic losses that could result from quarantine, the temporary closure of work premises or the closure of borders for foreign staff.
  3. Loss of earnings insurance does not cover the preventive screening of illness for employees, even if there is a suspicion of infection.

Under the LAA/UVG accident insurance, there are very strict requirements for an “occupational illness” to be covered. It must be demonstrated that by carrying out his/her professional activity, the insured person is four times more likely to be infected than the normal population.

Therefore, being in regular contact with customers and colleagues in a hotel, restaurant, ski school or medical-social establishment (EMS) for example, is not a sufficient condition for this requirement to be met.

You can find guidance and advice for financial and health sectors on the websites of the Swiss Confederation (SECO, Federal Social Insurance Office, Federal Office of Public Health, Travail Suisse). Your compensation fund also provides information online. You can also consult the FAQs of your employers' association.

Yes, in the event of a reduction in working hours authorised by the unemployment insurance and without any change in the employment contracts, your daily allowance and accident coverage will remain unchanged.

If, as an employer, you are entitled to benefits in the event of a reduction in working hours or bad weather, you have to pay social insurance contributions based on the normal working hours, i.e. 100% of the salary. Social insurance contributions are calculated based on the salary for normal working hours as specified in the contract. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss adjustments to your premium advance payments for other reasons.

We would be happy to discuss the possibility of adjusting your coverage. This adjustment would take effect on 1 January 2021.

Please let us know of any change of address. If possible, preference will be given to email.

Please get in touch with your contact person. You may usually find his or her contact details in the footer of our letters. You may also write to us by email: To make it easier for us to handle your request, please provide us with your customer number.

Your occupational pension benefits Account Manager can be reached on his/her direct line. You may also send an email or dial the general telephone number on 0800 803 777.

You can continue to inform us of any staff transfers (entry, departure, salary, etc.) by sending us your documents in pdf format by email instead of by post. This will shorten the response time.

Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP has made available an extranet (LPP/BVG xNet) in order to simplify the announcement of staff changes and transfers. For companies not yet using this service, please contact your Account Manager.

All benefits due are paid to beneficiaries on time.

In accordance with our pension fund regulations, contributions are payable when they are due. However, Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP is aware that some customers may have cashflow difficulties during the pandemic. This is why our account managers are available to help you find the most appropriate solution to alleviate your situation in the best possible way and according to your financial availability.

At Groupe Mutuel Prévoyance-GMP no distinction is made between so-called normal diseases and diseases due to epidemics or pandemics. Therefore, the terms and conditions that apply to illnesses caused by the coronavirus are identical to those that apply to other illnesses. Our pension fund regulations do not provide for any special coverage limitations in the event of a pandemic.

In the event of temporary unemployment, there will be no change with regard to the occupational benefits for all parties concerned (employer, employee, pension fund). The salary previously announced and insured under the occupational benefit plan as well as the amount of premium contributions remain unchanged.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111