Daily allowance
Answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning daily allowance.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning daily allowance.
The claims inspector is an insurance coordinator who will meet with you in the event of a claim for incapacity for work. The meeting enables us to understand your circumstances, respond to your various requests and ensure the investigation of your case is conducted as quickly as possible on behalf of the insurer or another body.
Our medical officer examines your medical file in order to assess the prognosis, the conditions for returning to work and the medical treatment delivered during your period of incapacity. He/she provides us with recommendations regarding the follow-up of your case.
It is a medical examination conducted by a specialist. We may need to ask you to undergo an expert assessment in order to help our medical officer evaluate your file.
In order to comply with legal requirements concerning data protection, we will ask you to sign a mandate that will allow us to obtain the information we need quickly so that we can determine your entitlement to benefits.
You must notify us immediately of your departure from the company (within 90 days of leaving the circle of insured persons) and specify that you wish to be offered a free transfer to individual insurance. If you accept this offer, you will continue to enjoy insurance coverage under the same conditions as when you were employed by the company. You will be responsible for paying the premium associated with the policy.
Your overall situation remains unchanged, but you must: