Accident insurance (LAA/UVG)
Les réponses aux questions les plus fréquentes classées par thème.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning accident insurance (LAA/UVG).
Answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning accident insurance (LAA/UVG).
You should immediately inform your line manager or your human resources department. They will then inform your insurer. Doing so quickly will prevent you being sent service provider invoices to your home.
No, but you should check to see whether any private supplemental insurance you may have (in the context of your health insurance or supplemental insurance in addition to LAA/UVG) provides such coverage.
Accident insurance does not cover this type of service, although it does cover home care. You should check to see whether any private supplemental insurance you may have (in the context of your health insurance or supplemental insurance in addition to LAA/UVG) provides such cover.
Yes, but you must inform your insurer as soon as possible.
LAA/UVG provides coverage amounting to double that provided in Switzerland in the same circumstances. If you travel to a European Union (EU) member country, make sure you take your European health insurance card, issued by your health insurance provider on request.
Unlike health insurance (LAMal/KVG), LAA/UVG accident insurance operates under the “third-party payer” principle. The insurer is responsible for paying for treatment, not the patient. As soon as treatment begins, you must communicate the name of your insurer and the accident number, if you know it, to the healthcare providers looking after you. You will not receive any invoices.
No, all associated medical costs are covered by accident insurance (hospitalisation in a general ward).
Other than in the event of an emergency, the hospital will ask your insurer for a payment guarantee. Please contact your insurer prior to admission to hospital to avoid any unpleasant surprises if your insurance coverage in the event of illness is not identical. You should check to see whether any private supplemental insurance you may have (in the context of your health insurance or supplemental insurance in addition to LAA/UVG) provides such cover.
No, other than in the event of an emergency, the agreement signed between dentists and LAA/UVG insurers stipulates that the accident insurer will only cover the cost of treatment for which they have given their prior consent.
Yes, unless otherwise stated in your work contract, the employee is only responsible for paying the premium relating to occupational accidents.
LAA/UVG provides full coverage for sports activities considered to be reasonable. However, some activities are considered to be high-risk and financial cover is therefore reduced by 50% (Article 39 of Swiss Federal Law on Accident Insurance (LAA/UVG)).
Here is a non-exhaustive list of activities that require supplemental insurance to be taken out with the association of which the sportsman/woman is a member (unless the employer has supplemental LAA/UVG insurance providing such cover):
If in doubt, contact us prior to taking part in a sports activity.
If you work for an employer for at least eight hours per week, you are still covered for non-occupational accidents for 31 days following the end of entitlement to at least half pay. This insurance cover can be extended for a maximum period of six months by taking out interim insurance that will cost you CHF 40 per month.
You can remove accident cover from your compulsory LAMal/KVG health insurance if you work less than eight hours per week. However, it is useful to retain accident cover as part of your LCA/VVG supplemental health insurance (unless your employer has taken out supplemental insurance offering the same coverage).
You must inform your insurer beforehand. In the absence of any medical contraindications and as long as you are not delaying the healing time by doing so, it is possible to accommodate your request. The situation is more complex should treatment be required during your trip. Check in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.
The daily allowance corresponds to 80% of loss of income, payable from the 3rd day following the accident. It takes into account 13th-month pay and any family allowances. The annual income obtained is divided by 365 days and the benefit is calculated on an 80% basis.
Yes. Reimbursement covers the cheapest means of transport to the nearest doctor. If a vehicle is required, each kilometre is reimbursed at a rate of CHF 0.60/km. In certain circumstances and with the prior agreement of the insurer, transport may also be covered if it helps the policy-holder return to work more quickly.