Arrange house and pet sitters in the event of an accident

You have to go into hospital following an accident. Who is going to look after your pets and home during your absence? When you go away for a few days, you generally ask a friend or neighbour to water your plants and feed your cat. But in an emergency, it may be difficult to find someone who can call in on your four-legged friends and feed them.

Call in an outside service-provider and let them handle everything.

Our ActiVita insurance solution includes “house-sitting” cover. If you have to go into hospital following an accident, ActiVita calls in a service-provider, who will, for example:

  • check your fridge
  • pick up your mail and have it delivered to you in hospital
  • look after and feed your pets
  • water the plants
  • air the bedrooms    

You can then focus on getting better with peace of mind. Discover ActiVita and its exclusive coverage in the event of an accident.

ActiVita - First-class supplemental protection in case of accidents

Whether at work or in your free time: accidents happen quickly and can result in high costs. With ActiVita, you can add valuable benefits to your statutory insurance coverage.

Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about ActiVita insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111