OptiMed: your advantages with Delta Santé

Simplified access to care and reduced health costs

Policyholders whose doctor is a member of the Delta Santé network in Geneva are able to benefit from a number of unique advantages.

Groupe Mutuel and the Delta Santé network have strengthened their partnership to offer innovative solutions aimed at improving access to healthcare, while actively supporting prevention.

Several Health Points (Points Santé) in Geneva now offer fast access to appointments for everyday emergencies, which will be free of charge. You are also able to benefit from reduced charges for teleconsultations and appointments with doctors who are members of the network. These measures allow you to:

Further reduce
your health costs

Have easier access to medical advice and treatments

your health and well-being

Your exclusive benefits with the OptiMed model of Groupe Mutuel

You can opt for a free teleconsultation (for example, if your doctor is unavailable):

  • with Delta network nurses (language: French): more information at www.delta-sante.ch
  • or with our partner Medgate (languages: French, German, Italian or English): seven days a week, 24 hours a day on 0848 803 308 (8 cts/min).

In addition to your family doctor, you also have free access to Health Points (Points Santé) for treating everyday emergencies, such as minor injuries or infections. You will be cared for by qualified nurses, under the supervision of a doctor, to receive basic medical care and appropriate advice, without having to go to a traditional emergency department.

Health Points (Points Santé) are located:

  • Route de Chancy 98 – 1213 Onex
  • Route de Chancy 59C - 1213 Petit-Lancy

Check the www.delta-sante.ch website for more information and to book a free appointment at one of the Health Points (Points Santé).

You have access to a new online health customer area designed to help you stay in shape and proactively manage your well-being. Thanks to this interactive platform, you can access to a wide range of resources to support you in your health.
A platform dedicated to your needs:

  • Customised health programmes and advice tailored to your situation, with the option of booking an appointment online with a doctor.
  • Information on the latest Network news and benefits.
  • Participation in workshops and community events.
  • Tools to improve your health and well-being, as well as to improve the services on offer.

This is the ideal opportunity to take control of your health, while staying connected to your health network. To sign up: www.delta-sante.ch

The Delta Santé platform offers personalised monitoring programmes for a number of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, lung and cardiovascular diseases, mental health problems, etc. Thanks to tailored guidance, monitoring tools and educational resources, you can improve your quality of life while receiving customised advice.

Register now at www.delta-sante.ch to set up your Health Customer Area and access solutions tailored to your needs.

Request advice

Do you have any questions about OptiMed - Delta Santé network? Our specialist advisers are here to help.

Frequently asked questions

If you have chosen the OptiMed basic insurance model and your family doctor is a member of the Delta Santé network in Geneva, you are entitled to receive free treatment for everyday emergencies at the Health Points (Points Santé) by nursing staff.

As a person insured with OptiMed insurance, you will benefit from an exemption from the co-payment for appointments with doctors who are members of the Delta Santé network in Geneva.

This information is given in the “List of OptiMed general practitioners – Geneva (GE)”, in the column “Name of network”. The list can be found on the OptiMed website, at www.groupemutuel.ch/en/optimed.

Doctors currently registered with the “Delta Genève” network will automatically join the “Delta Santé” network from 1 January 2025. Therefore, you do not need to do anything to continue to benefit from these advantages. 

If your doctor is not a member of the “Delta Santé” network, you can ask your doctor to contact Delta in order to be included in the “OptiMed – Geneva” list under this network. Some doctors are affiliated to several networks simultaneously, including Delta, but are listed under another network. For these doctors, this is often just an administrative formality.

What's more, you can decide at any time to change your family doctor and choose a doctor who is a member of the “Delta Santé” network and is accepting new patients. This is indicated in the “OptiMed – Geneva” list by the absence of an asterisk.

Yes, as a person insured with OptiMed, you can choose a family doctor practising in a canton other than that in which you live. This can be particularly useful, for example, if you live in Lausanne but work in Geneva.

See all FAQs

Real life is about covering the costs of breast cancer screening

Breast cancer affects one in eight women. It is essential to detect tumours at an early stage. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery. To obtain advice, persons insured with PrimaFlex first call our telemedicine partner free of charge, who will direct them to the appropriate solutions. If necessary, PrimaFlex will pay for screening examinations such as breast MRI, mammograms and breast ultrasound, free of charge.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111