
Insurance for a lump-sum payment in the event of hospitalisation

Childcare, housekeeping or even transport costs… A stay in hospital can be expensive.
H-Capital guarantees payment of the insured amount to offset the costs of your hospitalisation in Switzerland or abroad.
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Financial support to cover unforeseen expenses

  • You protect yourself against the financial consequences of hospitalisation by choosing an insured amount in line with your requirements. 
  • You will receive a lump-sum payment if you stay in hospital for more than 24 hours. The insurance also covers shorter stays, if you occupy a bed overnight. 
  • You don't have to account for your expenses or submit receipts. All you have to do is send us the hospital bill to receive the agreed amount.

Here’s how H-Capital works

  • You can apply for H-Capital insurance at any age. The insurance covers hospitalisation in Switzerland or abroad following an illness or accident that is covered by basic insurance (LAMal/KVG).
  • You can choose among 11 annual lump-sum amounts: CHF 300, CHF 500, CHF 600, CHF 900, CHF 1,000, CHF 1,200, CHF 1,500, CHF 2,000, CHF 2,500, CHF 3,000 or CHF 3,500. 
  • The lump sum is paid once a year if you are hospitalised for more than 24 hours (or less than 24 hours if you occupy a bed overnight). 


Request advice

Do you have any questions about H-Capital supplemental insurance?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

If you only have basic insurance, you can be admitted to a clinic providing you stay in a general ward and that the clinic is listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).
If not, you must have supplemental insurance to cover the costs of a semi-private or private room.

Your basic insurance covers standard hospital care in the general ward of a hospital listed by your canton of residence (Art. 41, para. 1bis LAMal/KVG).

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111