Proposal for transfer
to a similar insurance product

Supplemental health insurance

Insurance products eligible for a transfer

Do you hold one or more of the following supplemental health insurance plans? Since these insurance products are no longer available for sale, you may be transferred to coverage as equivalent as possible, since 1 July 2021, without having to undergo a new health examination (Art. 156 of the Ordinance on the Supervision of Private Insurance Companies). If you did not switch to the proposed product on 1 July 2021 and have remained with your current insurance, please note that you can ask for a free transfer at any time.

Do not hesitate to contact one of our advisers for further information on this option.
You will find below the terms and conditions of insurance, a table showing the main differences in the catalogue of benefits, as well as the rates of your current insurance coverage and the equivalent coverage offered.

Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions. 

  1. Is the coverage offered as part of a free transfer identical to my current insurance coverage?
    The proposed coverage is the one that is the most similar to your current coverage. However, this does not exclude differences in benefits and coverage. A document presenting the main differences between your new coverage and your current insurance product, as well as the terms and conditions of insurance, can be found on our website
  2. Why is the premium for the proposed insurance different from my current insurance product?
    Premiums vary from one insurance to another, depending on the range of benefits covered and the costs generated by insured persons.
  3. What do I need to do to take advantage of your offer?
    If you are interested, simply return the reply coupon, dated and signed, using the self-addressed envelope. Your letter must reach us by 30 June 2021 if you wish to be transferred to the new insurance product, effective 1 July 2021.
  4. Will I need to complete to a health questionnaire for the proposed equivalent product?
    No, there is no need to complete a new health questionnaire for the new insurance product.
  5. Will the non-availability periods for hospitalisation or dental care, for example, apply once more?
    No, if you opt for the proposed product, it will not provide for a new waiting period (period during which insurance benefits are not covered) for maternity and dental care in particular.
  6. Will I be able to take advantage of this free transfer in the future?
    Yes, you will be able to take advantage from the proposal at any time. The new insurance product will be effective on the first day of the month following receipt of the reply coupon.
  7. I want to keep my current coverage. What should I do?
    No action on your part is required to continue your contract at the current conditions.
  8. Will the merger allow me to terminate my contract?
    No, it does not give you the right to exceptionally terminate your insurance. The ordinary deadlines apply.
  9. What does the merger involve if I have compulsory health insurance with a Groupe Mutuel company?
    The merger only applies to the two private insurance companies MASA and GMA SA that offer supplemental insurance. It does not affect your compulsory health insurance.
  10. Will my existing insurance policy remain unchanged?
    Yes, your existing policy will remain unchanged and you will receive your 2022 policy in October of this year, along with the name of your new supplemental health insurer GMA SA.
  11. Will my insurance card remain valid?
    Yes, it will remain valid.
Hospitalisation insurance products
Supplemental care insurance products
Daily allowance products

Should you keep your current insurance product or opt for a similar one?

To help you in your choice, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our Customer Services are available from 08.00 to 18.00, from Monday to Friday on 0800 808 101. You may also contact us by email.

Request for transfer to a similar insurance product

Please complete the form below so that we may proceed with your request for transfer.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111