Daily cash benefit insurance
This optional insurance is designed to protect the insured against a loss of earnings as a result of illness or an accident. The basic LAMal/KVG coverage may be backed up by supplemental insurance.
The insured’s share of health costs. By this mechanism, the insured agrees to pay a portion of the costs generated by him. If he chooses an optional deductible, his premium will be reduced.
Disease management
Managing treatment for patients suffering from chronic diseases (diabetes, congestive heart failure) by coordinating the intervention of the various actors in the healthcare chain and encouraging greater responsibility on the part of the patient.
Doctors (medical practices)
Visit for medical care. Financed according to TARMED.
The abbreviation for «Diagnosis Related Groups» which means «flat rate per case». This tariff system classifies hospital stays by pathology group. Health care benefits are paid on a lumpsum or flat-rate basis. This type of invoicing replaces the former system which was based on a daily rate (per day of illness).