Comparison table

Plan based on legal requirements - Customised plan

Occupational pension plan based on legal requirements
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Customised occupational pension plan
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Maximum salary
Maximum salary

3x maximum AVS/AHV pension, less the coordination amount

Possibility of removing the ceiling on the salary up to 10 x the maximum annual LPP/BVG salary

Retirement benefits
Retirement benefits

Accumulated retirement capital, with interest, multiplied by the conversion rate set by the Federal Council

Accumulated retirement capital, with interest, multiplied by the conversion rate set by the Federal Council (LPP/BVG minimum) and the Pension Board (non-mandatory)

Legal savings rate

Higher savings rates possible

Disability benefits
Disability benefits

Projected retirement capital, without interest, multiplied by the conversion rate set by the Federal Council

Percentage of insured salary

Disabled person's child’s pension:
20% of disability pension

Disabled person's child’s pension:
percentage of insured salary

Payment up to age 18, or age 25 if the child is still in training

Extension of the child’s pension up to age 20, or age 25 if the child is still in training

Benefits in the event of death before retirement
Benefits in the event of death before retirement

Spouse’s pension: 
60% of disability pension

Spouse’s pension:
percentage of insured salary


Additional lump-sum death benefit

Orphan's pension: 20% of spouse’s pension

Orphan’s pension:
percentage of insured salary

Doubled pension for a child who has lost both parents


Standard repurchase contributions, within legal limits

Standard repurchase contributions, within legal limits

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111