
With this basic health insurance model, you can use telemedicine or the Ada symptom checker and save up to 23%

Ask for advice

Choose between two first points of contact

With this alternative model, if you fall ill or have a medical question, you can choose between two first points of contact. You can call our telemedicine partner Medi24 or log into your Customer Area and use the Ada symptom checker to assess your symptoms. You'll benefit from advice that's available 24/7, and save money in the process.

Medical advice 24/7: here are your advantages

  • A premium reduction of up to 23% compared with the standard model.
  • Initial medical advice, 24/7: the medical staff with our telemedicine partner Medi24 are available, day and night, and even at weekends.
  • A quick assessment of your symptoms: answer a few questions and find out about possible illnesses, thanks to the Ada symptom checker.
  • After having consulted our telemedicine partner or the Ada symptom checker, you’re in charge. You are free to decide on the next steps of your treatment.

How does the SanaTel model work?

A solution for every situation

Here are a few concrete examples of how the SanaTel model can be used.

CĂ©cile, aged 4,has a cough and a rising temperature.

First point of contact
As it is Saturday evening, CĂ©cile's parents use the 24-hour telemedicine service and call 0800 726 283 for free medical advice.

The Medi24 nurse gives them professional medical advice. She suspects a virus and prescribes a list of medicines. The prescription is sent directly to the pharmacy of their choice. CĂ©cile's parents are pleased that they don't have to go to the emergency department and can pick up their daughter's medication directly from the pharmacy.

Nina, aged 19,has a rash on her back.

First point of contact
Nina is worried. She quickly opens the Ada symptom checker, available 24/7 in her Customer Area, and describes where she has redness and itching.

The Ada symptom checker asks her a few quick questions, adapted to her answers. Nina discovers a list of possible medical conditions. The most likely cause could be a sun allergy that can be treated at home. Ada recommends applying an ointment to relieve the itching. Nina is reassured.

Conditions that are easy to follow

  • 1. If you have a medical problem or question, you must always first consult our telemedicine partner Medi24 or the Ada symptom checker.
  • 2. In emergencies and some other situations, you do not need to comply with the requirements of your model. The above section “How does the SanaTel model work?” contains more information. 

It may happen that the conditions of the model are accidentally not followed. In this case, we will notify you by letter and will be happy to offer our assistance.

However, if you repeatedly fail to comply with the rules, we will have to transfer you to the Standard basic insurance model. You will then lose your premium reduction, but you will benefit from free choice of doctor, with no conditions to be met.


Request advice

Do you have any questions about SanaTel? Our specialist advisers are here to help.

Frequently asked questions

No, you cannot call Medi24 simply to announce a doctor's appointment. You must first take note of the medical advice provided by Medi24. This will provide you with all the information you need to make the best decision about the next steps of your treatment.

To avoid having to call Medi24 before each medical appointment for the follow-up of a chronic illness, you can ask Medi24 to issue a recommendation specifically for your situation. Such a recommendation remains valid until the end of the calendar year and can be renewed as early as October for the following year.

After two reminders for failing to comply with the rules of SanaTel insurance (breaches) in the same calendar year, you will be transferred to the standard model of compulsory health insurance.

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Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111