Individual retirement solutions
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Our solutions for families
Individual retirement solutions (french version)
Customer Services
Global combined supplemental insurance
General ward throughout Switzerland
Semi-private ward (room with two beds) throughout Switzerland
Private ward (room with one bed) throughout Switzerland
CHF 70/session Max. from CHF 2,000 to CHF 6,000/year according to level
80% Max. CHF 10,000/year subject to an annual deductible of CHF 300 (“plus” option)
CHF 70/session Max. CHF 6,000/year
From 70% to 90%, max. CHF 800/year according to level
90% unlimited
From CHF 100 to CHF 200 every three years according to level
CHF 150/year (children up to 18 years) CHF 150/every three years (adults)
CHF 200 every three years
Vaccinations 70%-90% Max. CHF 150 to CHF 250/year according to level Ultrasound scans and mammographies 90%, unlimited number of exams
Vaccinations 90% Max. CHF 150/year Ultrasound scans and mammographies 90%, unlimited number of exams
Vaccinations 90% Max. CHF 250/year Ultrasound scans and mammographies 90%, unlimited number of exams
Greater financial security and a secure future
Make your life easier
A lump-sum in the event of disability or death due to accident
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