Cover my medical costs in the event of an accident

Accident insurance in Switzerland: compulsory or optional?

Accident insurance is compulsory in Switzerland. Therefore, you must be insured whether you are an employee, self-employed, retired or unemployed.

Anyone who is employed in Switzerland is required to be insured against occupational accidents (or non-occupational accidents as from eight hours a week on the employer's premises) through the insurance taken out by their employer, pursuant to the Federal Law on Accident Insurance (LAA/UVG).

Self-employed persons, persons living at home, children, students and pensioners must add the accident risk to their compulsory health insurance (LAMal/KVG).

I wish to update my accident coverage within my health insurance

Are you starting or ending a professional activity? This change of situation will have an impact on the risks covered by the basic insurance.

If you are entering the workforce for the first time or switching to employee status, you may suspend the accident risk provided you are fully covered by your employer's insurance on a compulsory basis. The suspension is effective at the earliest on the first day of the month following the request (Art. 11 of the Ordinance on Health Insurance - OAMal/KVV).

If your employment ends, your accident coverage within the meaning of LAA/UVG will expire 31 days after the last half salary (Art. 3, para. 2 LAA/UVG). 

After 31 days:

  • you receive a daily allowance benefit from the unemployment insurance fund and are therefore automatically insured against non-occupational accidents with SUVA;
  • you do not receive unemployment benefit or you become self-employed. In this case, you must take out insurance by signing up to extended accident insurance or reinstate the accident risk in your basic health insurance.

As soon as you reach retirement age (AVS/AHV), the accident risk is automatically reinstated on the first day of the month following your birthday. However, if you continue to work after this date and remain covered, as a result, under the compulsory LAA/UVG insurance, please inform us rapidly so that we can adjust your insurance contract accordingly.

For a better coverage of medical expenses

Accident insurance provides only basic benefits. However, an accident can quickly result in significant unexpected expenses. It is therefore important to be well covered.

If you need more comprehensive insurance in the event of an occupational or private accident, you can take out supplemental insurance.

Supplemental insurance plans offer additional benefits, such as:

  • free choice of hospital
  • free choice of surgeon
  • increased comfort in hospital
  • refund of rescue costs
  • refund of repatriation costs
  • refund of plastic surgery costs

Our supplemental accident insurance plans

Acrobat (0-18 years)

Acrobat (0-18 years)

Accident insurance providing three levels of coverage in the event of an accident, covering outpatient treatment, hospitalisation, home help and care, and cosmetic surgery. Valid throughout the world

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ActiVita (adults)

ActiVita (adults)

Accident insurance providing cover for outpatient treatment and hospitalisation in the event of an accident, with free choice of level of comfort, specialist and hospital. Also covers cosmetic surgery. Valid even for high-risk sports.

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Request advice

Do you have any questions about our supplemental accident insurance plans?
Our insurance advisers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111