Adjust or change your basic health insurance

How do you change your insurance model, deductible or insurance provider? What deadlines need to be met? Follow our advice to easily adjust your coverage.

How do you change your deductible or insurance model?

How do you change your basic health insurance?

As basic health insurance is compulsory in Switzerland, you must first choose a new insurance provider before terminating your contract with your current insurer. Each policyholder over 18 must submit an individual termination request.

Are you moving abroad?

When you leave Switzerland and take up residence abroad, several criteria need to be taken into consideration to determine whether you can keep your health insurance in Switzerland or not.

Find out about the conditions and procedures to follow if you are leaving Switzerland to take up residence abroad.

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How do you change health insurance provider within Groupe Mutuel?

Groupe Mutuel is made up of four independent health insurers: Philos, Avenir, Mutuel and AMB. Depending on your situation, you may be able to make savings by transferring your health insurance within Groupe Mutuel.

Transfers from one insurer to the other are possible for 1 July and 1 January of each year, depending on your coverage.
You can request a transfer to another Groupe Mutuel insurer via your Customer Area, by email ( or by dated and signed letter.

Discover the other Groupe Mutuel basic insurance models

Alternative models

With our four alternative models, you can significantly reduce your premiums compared with the standard model. Before any medical consultation, you must call upon a preferred first point of contact. The model that is best for you depends on your preferred first points of contact.

<strong>Flexibility of choice</strong><br />

Flexibility of choice

Save up to 27% on your premiums.

Condition: you must first consult one of four possible first points of contact: a partner pharmacy, our telemedicine partner, the Ada symptom checker or your family doctor.

Discover PrimaFlex
<strong>Health networks</strong><br />

Health networks

Save up to 26% on your premiums.

Condition: you must choose a doctor from one of the OptiMed lists as your first point of contact. You call on this doctor first, who then refers you to a specialist if necessary.

Discover OptiMed
<strong>Telemedicine and<br />
symptom checker</strong><br />

Telemedicine and
symptom checker


Save up to 23% on your premiums.

Condition: you must first consult our telemedicine partner or use the Ada symptom checker.

Discover SanaTel
<strong>Family doctor</strong><br />

Family doctor

Save up to 16% on your premiums.

Condition: you must notify us of your family doctor beforehand. You call on this doctor first, who then refers you to a specialist if necessary.

Discover PrimaCare

Standard model

<strong>Free choice of doctor</strong><br />

Free choice of doctor

With the standard model, you are entirely free and can see the doctor of your choice, without any preconditions.


Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about our basic insurance models?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111