You can find below the most frequent questions and answers relating to refunds of your medical invoices.
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You can find below the most frequent questions and answers relating to refunds of your medical invoices.
Click on your subject of interest.
Yes. Invoices you send us simultaneously are handled by different services within our Benefits Department. Invoices do not all follow the same route and are not dealt with by the same person. Therefore, they may be refunded on different dates.
Part of the costs of your medical treatments are payable by yourself. Your contribution to costs includes the following items:
You can send us your invoices by post or upload them to your online Customer Area. You will find all the details on our page Send an invoice for refund.
No, we do not send labels or other means of identification of invoices to our insureds. The service providers are required to identify their invoices electronically and indicate the following identification information listed in Art. 59 of the Ordinance on Healthcare Insurance (OAMal/KVV).
Yes, only you can know whether the benefits you were billed for match the medical care received. Sometimes invoices are wrong and this is usually due to an oversight or confusion between several patients.
Each year, millions of francs are paid out by the basic health insurance as a result of invoicing errors. This has a negative impact on the trend of health insurance premiums. When you check your invoice, you help to curb the rising health costs.
Since 1 January 2022, all healthcare providers are legally required to send you a copy of the invoices issued in the third-party payment system, so that you can check the invoices.
Since the healthcare provider has sent us the original document, the copies are sent to you for information and must not be sent to the insurance.